Not bad for the only video game ever created.

This is a good culmination of the Souls series. I hope it ends here, though.

I always tell myself that every PS2 comes with a little bit of jank BS, and this game is no different. Three missions in particular stick out, but thankfully one is optional and the other two aren't so bad after you get some practice. Overall, I really enjoyed this game and I'm really glad I got into the AC series.

Along with Raiden Project this was one of the first shoot em ups I ever played. I just completed it. I didn't die.

Silent Hill is an excellent early survival horror game. A foundation for the genre. However, the final dungeon kicked my ass. So I'm only giving it four stars.

I think people had some wool pulled over their eyes with this one. The cutscenes can occasionally be extremely powerful. Everything between Cloud and Aerith was extremely beautiful and moving, and I was brought to tears when Aerith goes to save Marlene. But the actual game is just terrible. The boss fights just never end. At one point I thought I realized that I had been playing the game incorrectly the whole time, only for the next boss to make me realize that I still wasn't playing it right. While playing it tonight and having my health disintegrated by propeller trooper B or whatever I realized that this is just not a fun game to play. What I'd really like to know is where Square Enix got the idea that pressing the square button a million times in one boss fight was more engaging than the original game's (which is one of the best games I've ever played) combat

One of the best GBA games of all time. I was underleveled the whole time, though, so.....

So, I start playing the game and fall into a pit with water and the fucking sprite is just walking on the water. It looked like shit. I was shocked. This game was in development for like 5 years. These people made skullgirls. The back of the physical copy I received (I donated $80 to the indiegogo campaign) says that the backgrounds are hand painted. They're all shitty 3D backgrounds. I hate this game. I hate MikeZ. GoodBYE!

This was one of the first games I ever played, and I have continued to play it for pretty much my entire life. The platforming in this game just has a certain rhythm to it.

The 5 stars is more due to its meaning to me than how good I think it is. I honestly think that 2 is a lot better, but this is the one I've played the most of.

This game isn't even really being about an outlaw for me anymore. My favorite parts of this game are the parts where you ride up a mountain with an old native american man and swap stories. Or when you're out on the trail and just watch animals, then when you open your journal you see that Arthur sketches them.

I beat this game twice in the amount of time it took a friend to beat Champion Gundyr in Dark Souls 3 and another one to find the second Energy Tank in Metroid.