I had fun with it, but I know that's just because I played it coop with a good friend. I can only imagine how much of a slog it would be going through this solo.

-Good times when playing co-op, cannot stress enough how much playing this with a friend helped salvage this mess.
-Weapon customization mechanic is a really fun addition. Spent a lot of time at the benches making some goofy guns.
-Ended up actually liking Carver's character by the end.
-Various different environments.

-Trying to get coop to work was a bit of an unnecessary mess as EA makes you use their shitty program despite the fact we bought the game on steam.
-Not a great opening and the rest of the story was paced kinda strangely and never really hooked me despite being the conclusion of a trilogy.
-Not a ton of memorable moments, me and duo struggled to think of parts that actually stood out to us.
-Co-op kinda makes it not scary anymore, also just not as shocking or grotesques as the previous games.
-New characters, besides Carver, were pretty forgettable.
-Only 1 ammo is such a godawful mechanic and idea, basically ruins any fun of resource managing and makes conserving ammo incredibly confusing and awful.
-No currency and shops anymore. The crafting item system is just not good, relying on rng to find the right materials to make heals or whatever. Shops were just perfect.
-We'd find a ton of rooms and areas that were literally 1/1 copies and had us questioning if we'd been there before.
-SAVE SYSTEMS SUCKS DICK there's NO manual save and the auto save is not polished and had our inventory constantly glitching and losing items and gun upgrades.
-End credit 'scene' is just so dumb lmaoo

They really don't make games like this anymore. Back when games didn't have politics in them...

I considered Dead Space a near perfect game so I was genuinely surprised when this subverted my expectations and improved on something I already held with such high opinions.

I kept notes on my game hub as I progressed, writing pros and cons. I tried very hard to look for cons and couldn't really find anything I disliked that was anything more serious than simple nitpicks. This game just clicked with me like nothing has for a very long time.

-Very intense opening
-Pacing is better, especially with the story
-Far more cinematic experience
-More variety and detail in the environments compared to 1
-Darker, not just tonally, literally darker- flashlights needed
-Improved physics
-Low gravity parts feel better and are just more fun now
-Lot's of really fucked up horrifying moments
-New suits, mods, and better upgrades

Lastly. Isaac. Him being a silent protagonist in the first fit well, he was more of an extension of the player. His silence let the player experience and react to the discovery of the USG Ishimura Incident on their own. Now in 2 Isaac gets to grow into his own character who's now dealing with the trauma and effects of the previous game. We get to learn who he is, and honestly he's got some charisma when he's not busy being traumatized by horrible mutated creatures.

Fuck I love Dead Space 2.

I have a love/hate relationship with this game.

There are a lot of things I enjoyed about playing DMC1 but honestly there are just as many things I hate about it too. The good things are so good they prevent me from going any lower than 6/10. Dante, perfect atmosphere, spectacular vibe, really fun OST. The game has a lotta soul.

Now onto my gripes.

-You will fight the same bosses over and over and over and over again. Despite having 23 missions there are only 5 bosses, and I can confidently say that the only Boss I would actually enjoy replaying would be the 'Black Knight' fights. Fuck Griffon and especially FUCK Nightmare. Between Missions 16-20 you will fight that bitchass Nightmare like 3 fucking times.

-The camera is the true antagonist. There are moments where you will fight bosses and enemies without them being on screen, or some shit will block the player entirely. This is complete bullshit when it comes to enemy projectiles. Fixed cameras are cool in RE and survival horror, not this.

-Awful platforming. It's just not fun, the cameras don't help.

-Lots of backtracking. At least the scenery is really nice tho.

-Checkpoints and Yellow Orbs system. Restarting an entire mission because a boss kills you is unforgiving as fuck.

-Not much happens story wise, you could probably fit an accurate summary into one page essay.

-Underwater sections?

I still love DMC and Dante. Gonna mark up a lotta of my issues with this as it just being and older game.

My favorite part was the Guitar Hero mode and I'm not even fucking joking rn. That and all the ninja turtle stuff.

A very slow and very long season. The theme was just boring, updates were few and far between. The meta was terrible along with a lot of lackluster weapons and items.

And FUCK the locker UI change I've never seen a shittier UI downgrade in my life. Don't even get me started on whatever the shit was going on with the item shops.

Short and Sweet. Completely worth it for a buck. I love the thumping bass-ey soundtrack, makes the game that much more stressful, makes me feel alive.

fighting game for your friend who exclusively buttons mashes, got so boring fast


Challenging with extremely satisfying combat and unique mechanics. Really fun gameplay loop that forces you to hone your skills, learn, and get better. Difficult done right.

I'm never beating the allegations anymore but it was worth it, this game was amazing.

The schmovement is literally perfect.

I usually play with vc off because sometimes randoms can be annoying but at the start of this season I decided to actually turn on vc and managed to find a chill group of randoms who are now my good buddies. We basically played everyday together, so If I have anything to thank this season for it's that.

Old Fortnite was fun, but this helped remind me that what we had right before Season OG was still a step up in a lot of ways. I don't really care if they keep this map vaulted forever anymore, this season was a good send off. Time to move on.

Dudes getting sent in on a suicide mission into a fucked up place is one of my favorite niche genres.

Comedic timing is unmatched. Lethal Company isn't just some funny moments generator though, it's genuinely a terrifying game and a solid horror experience. Only comparable to Phasmaphobia but everything here is very unique and unlike any coop game I've ever played.

Half star docked for how aggravating and time consuming it is to find a good public game. Lotta 'high level players' taking it too seriously and not being helpful to new players, chill out. HIGHLY recommend begging your buddies to buy and squad up with them for the true experience.

Humor was kinda hit or miss at times but when it hits it was funny as fuck. It was way shorter than I anticipated but I suppose that's the trade for like 12 different fucked up endings and lot's of different paths.

"How do you even make a game like this?" was constantly in my head during just about every minute I was playing this.