First Pokemon game I beat and I feel more inclined to share my distaste for the lack luster"remake" this is. Feels cheap and quickly thrown together. Bored throughout until the end. Painfull mediocrity

While this cost me the most out of all the games I've bought. I was absolutely satisfied and somehow somewhat disappointed in a way that kept me captivated and stuck to the series. While lacking the originality of the structure both story now being a revenge plot which immediately is less interesting than the first although it's my favourite game that does it in such a weird and unquestionably unique world with its characters, and the gameplay now feeling more repetitive without the necessary side jobs needing to be done(which does kinda help the pace of a revenge plot, Travis being I guess being more impatient for bloodlust) and the combat while looking and feeling a bit nicer lacks the polish of switching between high low combos like the previous. There's some design decisions in this that don't appeal to me. Like fat tanky characters after fat tanky characters. Levels where tons of fun enemy's can stun lock you into hell. While some I'm mift on. Like the last few levels have you locked to on place absolutely packed with ever present and huge numbers of enemies that can drag on for ages that suck to play but might have the intention/implication that it's purposeful as both you and Travis starts to get sick of the killing and begins to question it all. It's not done in a super believable way/not executed in a more subdued way like 1. I think it's still very unique. That all negatives aside. This. Damn. Soundtrack. Is. Banging. One of my favourites in any I've ever heard ever bro. Rich variety and hype along with mellow tracks. The game ultimately wanting more and for a time this was the last one for a very long time before I saw the nmh3 reveal trailer got ignited for hope again. Which made me have to visit TSA which I should've done a lot earlier. Without that game I wouldn't think I'd like this installment as much. That game does a very good job of being introspective and contextualised it in a very cool way. Travis having his bosses be fans of him is a kinda cool premise now given his popularity in our world and how we are now fans of this once loser otaku. Anywho this game is pretty ok on its absolute own but in the totality of the series is a pretty cool sequel all things considered even if it's my least favourite.

PC port is yuck bro and I did expect a lot more out of this game than what was delivered here. Not anticipating the coming of Christ or anything but I was kinda hoping for a halo standard. Not a Xbox watered down farcry game. Also multiplayer while a lot of fun. Lacks content and customisation that has been severely needed now for its progression system that sucks and costs $$$ to buy skins from the fortnite store. Gunplay is nice and tight although weapons are oddly balanced(the plasma pistol is super weak in mp and you have to go out of your way to pick it up) but it's fun still. When it works. I can't stress enough how many times I've crashed bugged to 3fps or frozen up which has stopped all interest in me playing this unfinished missed potential halo game. Waiting 6 months to never touch the co-op campaign. Hopefully this game can be complete next year to impress me enough. Also all the trees are the same. Open world is lame and the campaign is my least favourite in the series that I've played (have not halo 4 or 5 yet)

Player freedom. Best open world to date

While the game that started my descent into actually tackling a backlog and spending over 800 hours into the series in the year. I think this is my least favourite MGS after a full retrospective playthrough years after I started to actually beat games. The Kojima playful funny weird detailed shit is what caught my eye and made me live laugh love the game then so the series. And the sandbox controls and frame rate (believe it or not did a lot to wow me) still hold up pretty fairly well. And it's what I ultimately got sucked into. However mission design story. The pure fact that this game is very unfinished still hurts and I'd argue more sore. The opening used to be cool for me but now is actually ass and sums up what I don't like about modern gaming all in the first 3 hours. The game likes to waste your time with very little or if any rewarding payoff. Forced walking/crawling. Waiting for things to develop. Like literally watching a clock tick down. The tutorials are the most intrusive the series have ever had which has been one of the franchises biggest strengths how quick to the point of playing the game was is now so heavyly slowed to a crawl. Funny enough the ground zeroes level has a more complete and interesting environment to navigate than literally anything in the phantom pain. I can't help but feel this game sour on me more I revisit. Even if I've spent well over 1000 hours into this game. A lot of those hours were waiting in helicopters and things to develop. The game comes off as tedious unfinished and kinda lame compared to the LEGENDARY series that every previous game was. Even with mgs4 flaws and the amount of cutscenes it had (which were all so much fun and skippable) that had variety in the levels. Tools that were still very rich and actual memorable boss fights. Like the ending is nothing short of legendary. Mgs3 explains itself as why it's the best one. Mgs2's plot gas arguably aged the best and is somehow scarily relevant to now. And mgs1 doesn't outstay it's welcome with a awesome short little spy action film you get to play and watch. Idk mgsv with no cutscenes. Plot development. Weak villian. And excess of nothingness to endure will only maybe annoy you after playing anything else in the series or replaying this game more than once. Still above most of psn exclusives nowadays with its at least unique loop and systems to interact with. I more humbly enjoy than most modern games but it's unfortunately losing my interest and is becoming more of a phantom pain.

This song did make me listen to man who sold the world every year since 2017. That also has an absolute smart connection to the game. The fact that is a cover and not the original singer is very much like (spoiler). The reflection state of mind. I think it's really cool and it's the most Kojima thing about mgsv for me that's aged very well

This score may seem high but length doesn bother me if the game is good. And this game is probably the goodest. No filler really. No real complaints. Most ingenious idea for a platformer I've ever seen and would love to see it revisited again

If i could give it inbetween this score and a 4 I would. I like this a lot even with its warts. Most of them are removed due to this hd rerelease which I probably wouldn't be able to stomach. But it's a good time with very creative ideas sandwiched inbetween good and bad time wasting

This had two flaws for me. Aiming kinda sucks sometimes and the cat backtracking felt like it didn't really need to be there? But man. This was so much fun. So much creativity and variety. So many ideas and great bosses. The pacing. The spooks. The physics. So good man. Googi


Very fun. Very good. Very Kung Fu. The pace and structure of the game is the highlight for me. It's addictive and capitalises on the one more try with its death system. Upgrades are good but more importantly for me was how interesting on how you unlock em. Keys and shortcuts make the game pretty nice on the reducing tedium. There are some technical nitpicky picks for me like bosses decide to cancel what they do to doge absolutely everything same with some goons as well. Telegraphs are sometimes sour and the camera although great zoomed in to read most of the tells for enemies moves but commits a sin for people throwing shit or hitting off screen which is never fair. And even worse it can get cluttered and show nothing. Sometimes you just can't combo people to death cause they'll super some attacks which the game has a poor way of telling in you advance bla bla Brandon's just Tryna say it has some decisions that aren't fun or fair compared to nearly every other game with a combat system (DMC, batman, Bayonetta, viewtiful joe, no more Heroes, god of war etc) if it weren't for those quirks/warts it'd get a perfect score. But I still highly recommend it if you wanna earn and roleplay like every Kung Fu movie out there. It's a lotta fun get it if you're interested at all

Man. This was pretty funny fan service the game. Car physics felt like fun go karts. Not too short can be pretty hard sometimes but all in all harmless. A good time

This really is such a love letter to all its fans. It's hardcore fans. Although it introduces so many contrivences and holes to the series. It has so many massive payoffs and heart that I love it so much. Throughout its shitty fps and the super long indulgent lore dumps. It's got one of my favourite boss fights in a video game and one of my favourite fights ever. The cutscenes are so much fun for me and I love how Kojima everything is. I wish it wasn't trapped on the ps3 but it really is the most ps3 game ever. It's probably the only way I imagine this series ending and the more I play through the series the less I want to play 5 and the more I laugh at and love this one. Man this is such a rollercoaster ride it veers close to being a Trainwreck on so many occasions but I can't be mad cause I'm arms in the air with a huge smile I can't get rid of. Also order a pizza when the ending starts. Trust me

Y'all want the most crazy fun full of options no comprising combat set in a wonderfully authentic Japanese setting full of minute details accompanied by accurate history all sandwiched in between a gripping Yakuza drama which is equally light hearted and engaging? Also tons of fucking bonus shit to do like bowling and getting a chicken for a manager which you then can manage real estate with. Or waste all the money going to the arcade, karaoke, drinking, betting on women wrestling or slot car racing. Not to mention the extraordinary number of the sub stories. Play the fucking games bro. It's a blast

Brandon's small nitpicks. Why the forced walking sections that serve no purpose and some odd pacing issues and text shit to get by.

Fairly awesome start to the series. It's interesting how arcade like it is. Lot of fun with its flaws. Mostly Japanese cars with some western cars. It's a rather valiant effort all things considered. Very detailed upgrade system and its cool as hell seeing how much this one introduced such as used cars and all. All in all very short and groovy racing Game. Ai sucks ass