A select group of games can make my eyes get full of tears

This is a job that was clearly made with so much passion, I can't put it in to words. The OST, the art, the story... At first, I thought it would be a school drama, but it went much darker than I expected. Yes, I admit that are a few things to be improved, like sound design (sometimes), maybe a faster pace and the puzzles that are "too easy" (honestly, not the main point of the game, so It's fine).

Well, I liked this one so much that these don't bother me, and cmon, It's an indie game. And all that stuff get supressed by cats, Ronaldo Fenômeno, depression, etc. I'm really interested in learning more about Indonesia after this.

I don't know why, what I felt playing this one, it reminds me of when I played oneshot. The game doesn't break the fourth wall, but that feeling of "omg, I'm so much deep in this story, that I can feel every pixel of it".

Buy it, plz

🇮🇩 🤝🏼🇧🇷



Idk, maybe it has the same curse as the original one, "just fun with friendos", but yeah, not bad, not amazing, just average, good to spend time with on a call.

till the moment: I can't find a match after 10 min and WTF they literally r e m o v e d cs:go from the store?

This is the type of game that I adore!

It doesn't have good graphics, it doesn't have great controls and mechanics BUT

It's fun! I'll always have fun playing this with a friend or my girlfriend. The essence I miss in some modern ones: just pure juice of stupid fun

I can't feel the magic besides the soundtrack that makes me miss something I don't know, the nostalgia feeling that really stands out with the premise of the game.

A game that every 20 minutes you go to the beggining, you lose everything, but you keep the knowledge. When a group of guys said that to me I was like: STOP, I NEED TO PLAY IT MYSELF,


I just didn't have fun, I always felt I had to enjoy it cause everyone talks so good stuff of this one, but I'm not even into space stuff. Even if I'm not into it, I know that "quantum" is not a part of physics that explain why a stone can teleport, i t s t u d i e s s u b a t o m i c p a r t i c l e s. Yes, that bothered me, I know.

Well, I don't really have an opinion about it, but I recognize is not a bad game.

First tip: play it on window mode, T R U S T M E

Gosh, where do I start... I swear I'll try not to give you spoilers if you never played OneShot before

I got curious cause I saw a video about "games you can only play once" (You see what they did here? oneshot lol). The guy was talking about the first one that was free and all, and then I found out this was the "definitive edition" on steam, and I was really excited about the idea of just having one chance to do the right thing

Then, I also discovered that people liked this game a lot because it is ✨u n i q u e ✨, and it really is. The game itself is the break of the fourth wall. When I was around 20 min in the game I was like "is that why people like it? Just because of the main character calling you by the name that is written on your OS?"

Man... I was so so so much wrong!!! Everything is amazing. First, you start exploring the first part of the world, finding items, solving puzzles with these items, talking to the few characters you find to get to know more about the world you're in and all is so well made... Then these files start popping out in your computer, and you get more and more involved.

And here I stop talking about the "first playthrough", cause I will let the rest to you find out on your own BUT, here is the second tip (just read it if you finished the game at least once):

When you think you've finished the game, you didn't. When you think you've finished it again? You didn't.

"But, Felix, do I have to replay it all over again, the same way, just to get that other final?"

NO! It's a 99% different playthrough, I swear. It's almost entirely new, with an ending you coudn't reach before beating it for the first time, cause that save you had to erase, wasn't really the save...

Last tip: get some tissues.

I'm honestly considering if this is one of my favorite games...

(Yes, my first pokémon game besides pokémon go)

At first, It warmed my heart and all. I never had access to much nintendo stuff besides mario and when I was a kid, I really liked Pokémon, mainly first gen, so I gave it a try.

Not a bad game, at all. I just felt unconnected when I had to grind and run around the same bushes or look for someone to battle. It took sooo long. But yeah kinda like it.

Also I liked this detail they put where there is a little "resumé" of all the stuff you did before saving the game for the last time. So cute


First of all: better than borderlands 1, B1 was an alpha of this one

Jokes are better, mechanics, story, characters, cutscenes, bossfights, etc. Everything is better! I get the "I think it's edgy" vibe, but It's a stupid humour that I like and with friends is way better.

Good one 👍🏼

You draw a hairy penis and they buy it, the game

This for 2009 was kinda cool, but nowadays is a generic shooter + walking simulator. I played it with a friend so it was less monotonous

People say the second one is better, maybe I'll try it

8-1 I hate you! Was this supposed to be for kids? I like it, make a 7 year old build resilience