Probably the best puzzle game I've ever played, I'm not kidding.

Return of the Obra Dinn is one of those "detective games", where you find leads and the smallest details to solve the mistery it asks you. Something like "her story", for example.

It's so well structured, well written, so many tiny little aspects you'll just find out playing it again.

Also, It has an unique visual, an AMAZING sound design and holy moly I better stop typing, cause I swear, I could write hours and hours of how good this game is...

I'm honestly shocked of how much I liked this

This is one of my top 5 party games

It's sad that nowadays there aren't many people playing the online mode

This game is flawless.

The music leaves me speechless, with a mix of songs like jazz, vaporwave, experimental, electronic and Asian that make me not want to play just to pay attention to each melodic line.

The graphics are so fluid, so well done that it gives me the feeling of being 3d. Even the game menu and the settings part are beautiful.

The gameplay is challenging in the right way, I see many comparing it to Hotline Miami, but definitely not. HM works with RNG, which is not very noticeable here, so the gameplay is not frustrating, just enjoyable to see your evolution with patterns. The slowmo is really pleasant, the parry and all.

This is art

Eu amo o gemaplys, mas eu desprezo rng, me tira do sério

Maybe It's better on vr, but kinda overrated

Well, It's still cool to play it, even if It's kinda of a generic shooter nowadays and the mechanics are dated. It amazes me for it's graphic, it doesn't look like it's from the 98's, the sound design is also incredible. It'll not be the best game of your life, but it's worth a try to see what a triple A of the time looked like, analyze it, feel it. It gives me more fun than some games that are coming out today.

I played buckshot roulette with the devil and I won using "deus" as signature 😇

I played the first game when I was 11, I guess, our taste gets more... refined? At first, I felt Chloe was too stubborn for what I remember, with stupid teenager shit. And It really was, but things started to get on track after she got Rachel. I'm literally speechless for how deep the story got, and I had a lot of goosebumps also because of the soundtrack that LIS never gets wrong! The art direction is just perfect af too. It got really good and immersive after the first contact. The rpg stuff was so fun!

Some people say that not having the powers are the problem of the game. I honestly believe not, cause a well told story supresses that. The thing I really miss is: your choices on first LIS had much more impact. Here, the story goes the same way with 1 or 2 different cutscenes, cause it only exists to be a fan service, but I still like it.

If you're into this "choice genre", you'll probably have a good time, but if you were into the first game just because of the time rewind, do not buy it.

This is kinda soulless on singleplayer, the magic is coop only, apparently

Just for the letters achievements, cause It's bad

"oh, this game is good, but not a five stars" "It's just a copy of harvest moon"

MAN, THIS GAME WAS MADE BY JUST 1 GUY. The songs, the story of each characters, all the pixel arts, the programming, e v e r y t h i n g. It's a fun game, all updates add a bunch of stuff, the creator hears the players concerns.

On my first try, I didn't see why this game was soo hyped, but then I gave it a second try and tadaaa, more than 200 hours in it. It's chill, relaxing and great to get to understand all the gossip that runs in the village.

Just buy it, It's not that expensive

First tip: play it on window mode, T R U S T M E

Gosh, where do I start... I swear I'll try not to give you spoilers if you never played OneShot before

I got curious cause I saw a video about "games you can only play once" (You see what they did here? oneshot lol). The guy was talking about the first one that was free and all, and then I found out this was the "definitive edition" on steam, and I was really excited about the idea of just having one chance to do the right thing

Then, I also discovered that people liked this game a lot because it is ✨u n i q u e ✨, and it really is. The game itself is the break of the fourth wall. When I was around 20 min in the game I was like "is that why people like it? Just because of the main character calling you by the name that is written on your OS?"

Man... I was so so so much wrong!!! Everything is amazing. First, you start exploring the first part of the world, finding items, solving puzzles with these items, talking to the few characters you find to get to know more about the world you're in and all is so well made... Then these files start popping out in your computer, and you get more and more involved.

And here I stop talking about the "first playthrough", cause I will let the rest to you find out on your own BUT, here is the second tip (just read it if you finished the game at least once):

When you think you've finished the game, you didn't. When you think you've finished it again? You didn't.

"But, Felix, do I have to replay it all over again, the same way, just to get that other final?"

NO! It's a 99% different playthrough, I swear. It's almost entirely new, with an ending you coudn't reach before beating it for the first time, cause that save you had to erase, wasn't really the save...

Last tip: get some tissues.

I'm honestly considering if this is one of my favorite games...

This for 2009 was kinda cool, but nowadays is a generic shooter + walking simulator. I played it with a friend so it was less monotonous

People say the second one is better, maybe I'll try it