Everything except the gameplay is mediocre to bad. But the combat and its many facets were a pretty fun time. A good enough appetizer to hold me over until FF7Rebirth next year.

Super fun kart racer single player, and even better with friends. The combining mechanic really brings a whole new perspective to the mascot kart racer.

Way more fun than you'd think based on most of crash after naughty dog left. I love it.

Not my favorite crash game, but certainly not my least favorite. If you like crash bandicoot, you'll like this. A great time all around.

Crash 1 but better. The slide adds so much to platforming. I don't know what else to say, it's amazing.

Too much focus on enemies without making more interesting platforming challenges. But it takes a different swing at 3d platforming than mario 64 did. And I prefer its linear 3d platforming over the open structure of mario 64.

Great in it's time, I think that there's better versions of what Arkham City does now (particularly Insomniac's spider-man)

Feels like a third portal game.

I don't really know what to say about this game that hasn't already been said. It has fantastic puzzle design combined with storytelling that's weaved into gameplay for the most part with few cutscenes needed.

Best puzzle design of any game I've played.

The best skating game of all time. And a contender for my favorite game of all time.

Almost impossible to do the tricks you want to do. Swinging the Wiimote is as imprecise as you imagine, and the game doesn't accommodate for that.

I didn't even play it long enough to remember more than "bad"