Kinda empty and buggy, but 12 year old me was shitting my pants with excitement about the whole thing.

I liked calling gang hits on people and watching them get killed

Rainbow Road hits different on here

I have not played this, I’m just shocked by it existing

Very good in terms of gameplay, one of the worst battle passes tho

Would always do sandbox mode with friends and build up military and then have our own world wars with each other

Beta had me thinking this was the next Call of Duty

I actually enjoyed it quite a bit, but even the hardest difficulty wasn't very hard, so losing agents was never really a worry like I wish it was.

Could have been a really cool soulslike but ends up feeling very stiff and a little repetitive.

Io man though GOD DAMN

This game confirms Mario and Sonic do not exist in the Akira universe

Playing the impostor was always way too nerve-racking to be fun

You get a free movie with your game

Mojang has horrifically fumbled the bag with Minecraft. Barely any updates and also barely works at all on PS5 now.

Definitely the most iconic but not the best in the series