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Zurheide finished Arctic Eggs
When you play a game made by one guy, you're playing that guy. You're wearing him like a man may wear his favorite hat. You feel that guy to his core, as if you're wearing him like the aforementioned hat. I wore you, The Water Museum. You were my hat. Thank you for game

8 hrs ago

Zurheide reviewed Arctic Eggs
When you play a game made by one guy, you're playing that guy. You're wearing him like a man may wear his favorite hat. You feel that guy to his core, as if you're wearing him like the aforementioned hat. I wore you, The Water Museum. You were my hat. Thank you for game

8 hrs ago

9 hrs ago

Zurheide completed Arctic Eggs

9 hrs ago

Zurheide commented on metrizans's review of Arctic Eggs
My guy here said everything about this game is amazing. No bad qualities. Loses 2 and a half stars due to the will of the universe, though

9 hrs ago

12 hrs ago

Zurheide backloggd Arctic Eggs

12 hrs ago

Millie played Doom

1 day ago

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