A painful art style hides a competent immersive sim who's only stand out aspect is how bizzare it is

Years of updates have consistently transformed an initially mediocre "grand strategy" game into a bloated experience, filled with superfluous and frequently power-crept features. Even after all these updates, half of the game remains locked behind overpriced DLC packs. Moreover, the game still lacks depth in terms of strategy; snowballing is excessively easy, and the AI's incompetence at its own game is almost comical. In summary, while EU4 had the potential to be a great game, it ultimately resembles Risk more than a true "grand strategy" title.

A bland and lifeless open world combined with poor combat and a dreadful story make this a shocking step back from Morrowind and a sign of what's to come for Bethesda

Unfortunately a couple questionable writing decisions and a rushed final third makes this game a shadow of what it could have been. Still a satisfying conclusion to the series but not much more


So far the peak of immersive sims, please make more immersive sims

Sea of Stars is very mediocre in everything it does, granted it's not bad in any respect, it still held my attention for long enough to be enjoyable while I played it.

Janky and dated but an incredible introduction to the great universe of mass effect

Best in the series, gameplay still on the clunky side but the characters carry this game so far alongside the engrossing universe

A poor port that unnecessarily changes the game into 2D outside of combat, the inclusion of a female protagonist seems to be there to offset the loss of most of the game's visuals but, for me, it's a mediocre addition at best.

An incredible metroidvania that continuously surprised and delighted me with it's beautiful and deep world. On top of that a great combat system with a punishing but fair difficulty make this a standout experience.

The best competitive first person shooter ever made, despite blizzard's continued efforts to ruin it

A near prescient ending follows one of the best stealth games ever made, deep systems, interesting level design, and a great story make this a landmark achievement in videogame history