154 Reviews liked by Cyuu_

Games should never under any circumstance be allowed to release this broken. The game is great but I legitimately am getting motion sick from the stuttering and frame drops. DO NOT BUY UNTIL IT IS FIXED!!

Dropped after a couple hours so not bothering to rate.

Shows a (very) slight glimmer of promise to be like a small open world dishonored type game at the opening section but its really really not and even that was very surface level. Like Cyberpunk is given some shit for being surface level with how you handle shit with different approaches but that shit is actually interesting especially compared to this.

Open world is not that big overall yet very barren outside the land marks that are kinda spread out anyway.

Shooting feels like shit as with other Arkane games but hey it wasn't front and center in those. Not to mention some really shitty enemy AI. The groups of enemies you run into aren't even that big to make up for it unless you're in one of these landmarks and still that sucks.

Stealth? Technically its there. Barely. Which fine, its a shooter but as already said, shooting is shit. It has no depth so only so much reason to use it.

Graphics are fine I guess. It's stylized so its not going for photorealism anyway but boy does the human characters look off and have weirdly big hands. Not even talking about the vampires but the actual human NPC's. That's just me being nitpicky at this point given I hate everything else I guess.

Performance on PC...oh boy. At first seems fine. Like as can be expected for a current game on a 3080 at 4k. To the point I'm questioning why the Xbox couldn't do 60 at launch. Got past the tutorial section, started going through the town, and then look in the wrong direction and the fps drops like a rock. Oh that's why Xbox is 30. Not to mention shader and traversal stutter that is ROUGH.

The abilities the characters have? Fine I guess? Why the fuck would I care given everything else. Maybe combat is better later??? Yeah not sticking to check.

I'm out. Huge disappointment. I was actually looking forward to this and I thought at worst it'd be a "low 7" I'd be able to get some of what was liked in their last game, Prey, at least but none of that here.

Sorry Arkane but you done fucked it up.

Se eu falei que Bioshock é o melhor ponto de entrada para Immersive Sims, então Dishonored é um dos melhores do gênero junto de Deus Ex e Prey.

A gameplay é simplesmente excelente, ainda mais para um jogo de stealth, em suma é basicamente Thief se ele te desse ainda mais ferramentas para passar pelas fases, tipo, a quantidade de maneiras que dá para passar pelo jogo é grande, tipo, se tiver uma porta trancada que tem um item atrás que é necessário para progredir no jogo, você poderia tentar procurar a chave pelo lugar e roubar a chave de um inimigo, ou você pode simplesmente pegar uma bomba ou usar o Windblast e explodir a porta, tendo que matar os inimigos próximos no processo, só que é claro, não dá pra ser um jogo de stealth se ele não tiver um arsenal completo, tanto para combate quanto para stealth propriamente dito, e além dos típicos dardos e faca, temos outros itens como pistola e bombas, é claro, mas além disso tem outro tipo de arsenal, as habilidades, variando de poder se teletransportar para um ponto do mapa para até o já citado Windblast que permite atingir vários inimigos ao mesmo tempo e quebrar quase todos os tipos de portas possíveis, e como é divertido pra cacete ficar usando esses poderes, ainda mais o Blink (teletransporte), esse poder é um crime de guerra você não usar, já que ele é bom não só para atravessar o mapa e fugir de inimigos, como também é essencial para pegar a maioria dos colecionáveis espalhados pela fase, e falando nisso, como o fator exploração do jogo é muito bom, apesar das fases serem meio fechadas, elas ainda têm coisas suficientes para pegar pelo mapa como Runes, Bone Charms, Sokolov Paintings (ou Rasputin kkkkk, pelo menos eu acho ele parecido com o Rasputin) e mais dinheiro ainda, e falando nesses dois primeiros, as Runes são os itens que são usados para liberar habilidades e upar elas como o Blink e o Windblast que foram citados antes, assim como liberar upgrades passivos para coisas como velocidade e adrenalina, enquanto os bone charms dão outros efeitos passivos para o personagem como tomar menos dano de ratos, ter mais vida ou mana máxima, escalar um pouco mais rápido e etc, só que é claro, tem que ter aumento de dificuldade conforme o jogo avança, afinal, com esse arsenal todo né, então conforme avança o jogo constantemente traz mais coisas para cada fase para deixar elas mais desafiadoras, como os Arc Pylons e os Tallboys (não falarei como são por motivos óbvios). E depois de tudo isso ainda tem o sistema de caos, onde dependendo de quantos inimigos que não sejam alvos ou inimigos especiais tiver matado, o final e a reação dos NPCs irão mudar conforme avança no jogo, assim como terá mais zumbis infectados pela Peste, chamados de Weepers.

A história é bem simples e segue um padrão similar de outros Immersive Sim, por outro lado o worldbuilding do jogo é muito interessante, tipo, é só olhar para algumas sidequests como as do Slackjaw e da Granny Rags, ou outras side quests menores durante as quests principais como o Captain Curnow, ou mesmo diálogos entre inimigos falando sobre o mundo ao redor deles, enfim, uns baguio interessante, e de novo, o jeito como o mundo reage aos seus atos dependendo do nível de Caos citado acima é daora também, como o Samuel e o The Outsider. Único criticismo que tenho é que eu acho que a história principal podia ser um pouco melhor, mas ainda compensa o bastante pelo worldbuilding.

Visualmente o jogo é muito bom, claro pode até não ser dos melhores, mas o estilo e a atmosfera que o jogo passa lembra muito da Era Vitoriana semi-gótica com presença da Peste Negra, tipo, é só olhar para as seções na dimensão do The Outsider ou mesmo o Big Ben do jogo que passa uma vibe mais gótica se comparada a maior parte do jogo, fora os visuais mais over the top dos NPCs, ainda mais do Piero e dos Pendleton, fazendo eles serem bem mais memoráveis do que NPCs de outros jogos AAA só pelo visual sozinho, e a trilha sonora é bem atmosférica, não tem muito o que falar sobre, infelizmente.

Mas enfim, esse jogo junto de Bioshock eu evitei por um bom tempo, mas agora que joguei, certamente vejo o porque tanta gente fala desse jogo, e de fato, é um dos melhores jogos Immersive Sim, um dos melhores jogos de Stealth e um dos melhores jogos da Arkane Studios, junto de sua sequência e Prey. Em algum futuro distópico jogo esses dois jogos.

10/10? É, enquanto eu não jogar o segundo jogo, 10/10!

My original review was removed. I guess my message wasn't clear enough when I told Activision/Blizzard to eat my ass.

This is a bad game made by a bad company. It is basically an update of the original (as it completely replaces it) and serves no purpose but trying to hide the rampant system of abuse taking place within the company by throwing the media coverage back onto this. I can't even call them allegations because they've been proven. . If you enjoy the game that's fine, but it is simply just a watered down form of the original that doesn't update, improve or innovate it in any meaningful way and is simply a distraction for a larger issue.

Eat my ass, Activision/Blizzard

Kafka's metamorphosis but you wake up and you're Kinoko Nasu

You ever just have that one game that you're absolute garbage at but still love regardless? Well Homeworld is that game for me.

I can barely play a normal rts game, let alone this one's full 3d space combat simulation but I still adore it. Even if I'm awful at playing it I can still appreciate the ambition and talent needed to create a full 3d space rts in 1999. The story and universe despite being deceptively simple had me completely engrossed in them to the point where I can say without a doubt that the original Homeworld has the best story of any rts game I've ever played. The visuals are gorgeous, especially in the remaster, and the music is top notch as well.

Homeworld is a phenomenal experience and I urge anyone with even the slightest interest in real time strategy games or space combat to check it out.

I think about this game at least once a month

I wrote an email to Lego support because I was so distraught over this game shutting down. I still have this email on file somewhere, I pleaded that they open it again because it was my favorite game, and I offered my username to show how much I loved it: YoungVandaDarkflameIsAwe (there was a character limit). I remember the insanity of the free jetpacks handed out the last day. Goddammit Lego, bring it back, I'll tell my psychiatrist this will cure my depression once and for all

I know most people aren't going to read this, but if you do then that's awesome!

I'm gonna try and be as in-depth as possible as to why I really dislike the Resident Evil 4 Remake.
This isn't meant to discourage you or belittle you if you like the game, I implore you to have as much fun with it as possible. My opinions are my own as I have been playing the original Re4 for upwards of 10 years now, so I'm going to be rather biased by default.

Firstly, I wanna talk about the positives/the things the remake does better:

-The shooting range
I love how much more involved it is this time around. While I miss collecting the little bottle caps and earning money for it, the weapon charms are a neat addition that adds a different bit of flavor to the game. I just wish it wasn't set up as a gacha mechanic

-Ashley and Luis
Despite some of the complaints I have seen about voices and what not, I actually really enjoyed how these two characters were handled. Ashley acts a lot like a goofy little sister type of character towards Leon, and I think some of her annoying lines actually help to elevate that feeling. Luis gets a better backstory, more screentime, and has some fun personality clashes with Leon.

-The Treasures, and the gemstone system
Hoarding treasures to stuff gems into them was a really enjoyable part of the original Re4, and I like how it was handled in the remake. Holding onto various different stones until you found treasures you can stick in them to earn insane profit is really fun and gives off more of an adventurer vibe, tho that may be more of a me thing since I'm a gemstone collector irl.

-The Mercenaries
Despite my distaste for how capcom handled the amount of content the base version has, the gameplay for mercenaries is really fun this time around. It reminds me a lot of RE5, but doesn't have as much content. The characters are all distinctly different from each other and fit very specific playstyles. I just wish it had co op.

Now for the negatives, which I have a lot of issues with:

-Lack of any real charm
The remake feels like a more restrained, and sanded down version of the original in many different ways. In capcoms attempt to make it a more grounded survival horror game with realistic elements, many different things were cut out to reduce the action. The killdozer, the ceiling trap, running on the bridge away from the mecha Salazar. As a result it makes the whole thing feel more like a parody of the original. The Remake also removes the part from the original where the villains hack into Leon's radio and start making fun of him, which was one of the more hilarious parts of the original.

-Inconsistent hit stun on higher difficulties
This is the biggest issue I have with this game and whoever gave this the greenlight completely missed the point of the original. On hard-core and professional, enemies will take multiple bullets to the body and act like it didn't affect. This is NOT how they should've handled these difficulties because it makes shooting at them to stop their attacks feel completely pointless unless you have a shotgun, or an automatic weapon. In the original, every bullet that connects with an enemy has an effect of some kind. They are firearms, that's what they do, and it rewarded players for having good aim. This just makes the difficulties feel more like RNG and it completely kills the fun.

-Removal of the laser sight
This ties into my issue with the gameplay. I know it still exists, but only being available on two very specific guns in the entire game is incredibly dumb. I hate the new reticle that the remake has, it worked better in the 2 remake due to how that game was structured.

-The movement, and the controls themselves
I've been playing this remake since it launched, and I just really do not like the way it controls. You tell Leon to move one direction, and it takes him a few seconds to actually respond to the command. You tell him to throw something and he will actively refuse to throw it unless you tell him multiple times. You also feel incredibly slowed down in this version, like Leon's got cinderblocks strapped to his feet and he's trying to move through a swamp. The movement in Remake 2 and Remake 3 felt perfectly fine, so idk what happened.

-Unnecessary exposition
This is a big problem I have with the game from the intro sequence, all the way down to the final boss. There is so much unnecessary dialogue in this game that it feels like it's trying to hold the players hand at all times to tell them each and every exact detail about Leon's life, and even as far as to having bosses do nothing talk to you during the entire battle. Salazar, Krauser, and Saddler all constantly talk to you during the entire fight with no real way to interrupt them unless you shut the voice volume off. This could've easily been fixed by keeping the ability to have them hack Leon's comms and talk outside of the fights.

Overall, I understand this is simply the result of me being stuck in the past, but I genuinely wanted to like this game for what it was, and for the most part, I did enjoy my time with it, but I cannot sit and say that I will be playing anymore of it in the future. Once all the challenges are done (I have like one left at the time of me writing this) I'll play mercenaries a little longer, but then that's it. I will not be playing this game any further after that and I hope you understand.
That being the case I do hope you've been having fun with the remake, and I'd love to hear how you feel about it, and about a lot of the points I've made!
Have a good day!

average vn degenerate fan's top 5 vns, the ones that think shocking content means its good and deep and suddenly think they are philosophers because the writers suddenly remembered to put a plot last minute in their jack off material so readers can think it was all calculated and makes sense

This mod is awful. Don't play it or support it.

oh. oh my god. oh. oh nooo. so this game got taken down by the devs because a furry pedo worked on it, who's fetishes were blatantly strewn into the game. There's a weird settlement of horny lizard people who are very aggravating to listen to. There's a companion that's a young woman slave that you can have a horrific, discord groomer esque relationship with. There's dialogue from said slave girl about how stinky and smelly her feet are.

and worst of all, there's this.
i cannot explain how painful it is to witness this part of the game, i can only share it with you and apologize. this has got to be the most embarrassing thing I've ever seen in a video game. HOW. Like, you could at least make them sentient intelligent creatures!!! i can't say for certain if this was really all this one specific furry's fault, it seems insane for an entire team to not catch this and take issue with it, but dawg WHY would you put that in your militaristic Fallout mod????

aside from that, this just isn't very good. the writing is verrrryyy poor, there's a lot of odd combat/narrative set pieces that do not fit in with the game, and overall it feels unfocused and misguided. i truly do not know why one would want to make an action-heavy game full of linear, CoD-esque setpieces and put it in Fallout: New Vegas of all games. extremely impressive game, though. what they manage to do technically on this engine is marvelous.