Really really nice set-pieces, and a charming main character. This one has me really excited to see how the sequels continue to evolve the series.

(SPOILERS: The dual pistol bit at the end got a massive pop from me)

One of the most wholly rewarding survival games out there. Everything feels legitimately earned in this one.

Really really solid survival horror, though I would say it definitely got repetitive by the end, causing me to get pretty numb of any scare in the final stretch. Absolutely nailed the atmosphere of the original movie.

Really charming and perfectly short little adventure rpg. Definitely play this one any time fall rolls around, as the atmosphere is just so perfect.

Beautiful experience, can't say much else ngl

Beat this one in two days and it flew by at a ridiculous pace. While clunky in parts, I adored this one and can't wait to explore the wealth of content that I still have yet to play

Really incredible reverse horror game. Amazing atmosphere because of it's soundtrack and simple yet gorgeous level design

Such a texture rich and wonderfully themed puzzle game. Some of the puzzles were a bit too obtuse for my monke brain, but I loved it nonetheless

Some of the late game levels didn't live up to the brilliant structuring of the first 80%, but other than that this was such a joy to play. Really scratches the itch that Symphony of the Night left me with. (Also the story was like.. ok? Nothing too compelling, but that's not what i play an Iga game for)

So lovingly crafted and heartfelt that it lets me look past any minor faults it may have. Love this one, and I definitely recommend going in as blind as possible!

Perhaps one of the best paced JRPG's ever, nothing seems to outstay it's welcome and everything seamlessly flows together when it comes to the story. Charming character writing and intense combat scenarios are just a couple more aspects that make Chrono Trigger worthy of being in the conversation for greatest of all time, to this day.

Although the best puzzles were spread few and far between, the writing is what really elevates this one. Outside of Danganronpa I'm very green in the visual novel department so it was amazing seeing something so grounded, with a huge focus on small character moments over big set-piece events.
If you ever want the vibe of cracking open a great mystery novel, but are in the mood for a game at the same time, go with this one.

Absolutely phenomenal shooter campaign, with some really fun combat and surprisingly well written characters. By the end of it I was feeling pretty emotionally tired, but I certainly think it earned its ending. Really really recommend this one if you're looking for a classic feeling shooter, with solid level design.