Really nice to see Ubisoft take a break from open world slop to make an actual ass videogame again. Steals a lot of good ideas from some notable indie games [complimentary] and adds some of its own puzzle-platformer sauce to make an engaging metroidvania with snappy action and a really unique set of abilities. Plot and characters aren't half-bad either. Being able to use screenshots as map markers is so smart and I hope literally every game like this steals it in the future.

The rare streamer hit that truly kicks ass. Simple (tense!) mechanics but the dirty, run-down vibes are sick as hell and every animation is laser-targeted to be as cool as possible. Watched some friends play this and had a blast.

Played this when it was new but don't remember much about it. Liked it enough to blast through it in a weekend at least.

This game looks really good and has a lot of cool ideas, I dunno if it all comes together in the end but I think about it relatively positively. Not being able to "die" is a really interesting choice.

Not gonna lie I remember the way-too-long combat sections more than anything else in this game but I know that mostly it's a bunch of good platforming and light fun story stuff.

Interesting to see BioWare take a first crack at a whole bunch of Mass Effect here, and of course the Star Wars universe already has a bunch of dumb binary morality stuff built in so it's a perfect fit. Doesn't work as well because the writing is goofy as hell front-to-back, the party is middling (this game asks hard questions like "what if R2-D2 had no personality" "what if Chewbacca was lame as hell" and "what if Garrus was just whining all the time"), and you have to deal with that weird pseudo-real-time-but-actually-turn-based DnD combat that never feels good to play in a videogame. Still, there's an occasional banger line and the fantasy here is potent enough that I can understand why it was such a big deal at the time. I have to assume KOTOR 2 is better than this though.

Cute, pleasant, and good-natured but it's very "baby's first adventure/puzzle game", which would be fine if it wasn't also supposedly 20 hours long. Probably great for kids though!

Played until I got my first win (it only took two rounds). Honestly clever and more varied than you'd expect, and would be pretty fun as a budget party game good for a couple evenings. Unfortunately because its 2024 it's instead a live service season-pass thing and I've never seen a game of that ilk more absolutely doomed.

They made a perfect videogame and then let you play as Darth Maul and Wolverine in it.

They fully nailed it on the first try. Like yeah there are better games in the series but this one still hits, and the soundtrack was SO influential to me as a musician. Feel bad for all my friends with N64s who could only hear 30-second loops of the tracks.

Unlike the first two this one I feel pretty confident in my opinion on which is that it's pretty bad. There's something to the spectacle of the whole thing but going hard on the violence being as disgusting as possible while simultaneously trying to make the story vaguely uplifting is psychotic.

I remember this being better than the first one but like that one I don't know how I'd feel about it now and will likely never find out.

Liked this a lot at the time, truly don't know how I'd feel about it now and will probably never find out.

One of the greats, so off-kilter and strange but feels incredible to play once you get on its level, and the customization is so wild. Probably some comedy bits that are a little tasteless but the whole thing is so audacious that I feel like it evens out?

Haven't played this in over a decade but it rips, gotta play it again.