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Still don’t know how to feel about this game. 6-1 is whatever, standard tutorial case. 6-2 is really great, as it revisits ideas brought up in Apollo Justice and has a compelling plot and characters. 6-3 can be tedious, but is very very good. 6-4 isn’t as bad as people say. 6-5 is waaaay too long, and I can tell that it was originally cut up into two- I REALLY love the Khurain part, with it containing some of my favorite plot twists in the series, while the Japanifornia civil trial sucks.

It’s a great game if you’re a fan of the series. While the story is definitely worse than the Stick of Truth, the gameplay is better.

VLR’s port is fine.

999’s remake, though… the script was messed up. Like, heavily. Go play the DS game if you can. If you can’t, PLEASE play 999 in Novel Mode. Adventure sucks.

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Interesting themes… not so interesting execution of said themes. This game has some really fun ideas for plot twists, such as the Q is Delta and he’s secretly offscreen plot twist. But it’s just executed. So. BAD. “I have complex motives.” Ok??? What are they?? Take your complex motives and shove them up your ass. Reading the VLR and 999 Q&A’s after finishing this game left me disappointed- a reader would ask a question about Snake or Santa’s whereabouts and Uchikoshi would respond with “That’ll be revealed in the third game!”. That just hurt my soul. I know this game went through dev hell. It’s weird, because while Q team is a hot mess in terms of writing and C team ranges from “aww, Junpei proposed to Akane, that’s how Akane has the ring on her finger in VLR” to Carlos telling Eric to shoot him, D team is easily the best in terms of writing.

At least the gameplay is good. Besides the weird hair physics and crappy animation.

Before Zero Build, I probably would have given this game a 3.

When I say Zero Build is the best thing to ever happen to this game, I’m not lying. Hopefully they’ll go back and actually care about Save the World next.

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I’m gonna say it, this game is definitely underrated by the Ace Attorney community. I like how the story isn’t traditionally told, with the chronological order being Case 2, DLC, Case 3, Case 1, Case 4, and Case 5. My biggest complaint is, like most other people, the Phantom- I would have been much more fine with the twist if it was that Fulbright was the killer, that’s it. I don’t like how the game is like “Ok, Fulbright’s been dead for multiple years, this guy’s an imposter.” It just felt somewhat shoehorned in. I think I read somewhere that this game went through many rewrites, so I’m just assuming that The Phantom wasn’t originally the final killer because he just feels shoehorned in.

This game is fun as hell. The gameplay is really fun, and the music. THE MUSIC. I hate how it’s locked to 30fps though :(

It sucks that this game is the black sheep of the Xenoblade franchise, because it has some of the best gameplay, worldbuilding, and music I’ve experienced in a video game. My most major complaint about this game is the lackluster story as compared to 1 and 2’s- but the game more than makes up for it with addictive, customizable gameplay and a massive, immersive world to explore.

A fun mini game collection to mess around with on. There are a lot of hidden secrets, such as the fruits hidden in the Archery levels. If you ever want to waste some time and have fun while doing it, play Wii Sports Resort.

While the story is somehow better (didn’t know it was possible) than the first game, I feel as if the characters were better in the first game. So many WTF moments in the story of this game, and I mean that in a VLR way, not a ZTD way. 999 didn’t need a sequel, but it sure as hell deserved one, and it sure as hell deserved this masterpiece.

I can’t even think of how to express my love for this game in words. Go play it. After IS.


I’d give this game a 4.9 if I could, the -0.1 is due to the dates gameplay. The story and characters… how did they come up with this in 1999???

From the opening, this game establishes how different it is from ME1. And I love the direction that they took with this game. The gunplay feels much more smooth than ME1’s, and the story and characters are better this time.

Coming back to Kamurocho for the 8th time after having played all of the mainline Yakuza games, I thought I would be burnt out. Nope. With the game having a different protagonist and story than the normal Yakuza games, it really helps. I felt really invested in both Yagami’s character and the plot by the end of the game. This game can be enjoyed without having played the previous games, and I’d definitely recommend playing it.

My biggest problem with this game is 3-3. That’s it. If there was no 3-3, this game would be an easy 5/5 for me. It’s not the worst case in the series- cough, cough, 2-4- but compared to all of the other cases, it’s meh.

I appreciate how like most AA games, this one has an overarching plot that once all of the pieces start to fall in place, makes you feel like an absolute genius. The dopamine rush I get from successful objections is only rivaled to that of defeating Dark Souls bosses on my 50th try.