One of the best Ace Attorney games up there with TGAA. Some of the best plot twists in the series, and I love how it references and elaborates on plot points in previous games.

The best part about this game is that it paved the way for AAI2.

And Case 4.

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While I do think that this game could have explored and done more with the relationship between Klavier and Kristoph, it’s still a great game. While its plot wasn’t really followed up on (yet), it’s not this game’s fault.

P.S. Serenade isn’t that bad, besides the accusation of Machi despite him being blind and really small

Gets four stars for its final case alone. It’s weird how there were only 3 cases in this game, though. It jumps straight from Reunion and Turnabout to Farewell, my Turnabout. Weird…

The classic that started it all. It’s fun, it’s iconic, it’s great. Go play it.

A pretty great Souls game! I didn’t really care for the story and characters as much as other Souls games, but the gameplay and graphics more than made up for it. This game is a really good showcase of the DualSense

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Went from a 4/5 to a 3.5/5 after the ending. I didn’t like how they made Korekiyo, one of my favorite characters up until the third trial, into his sister, it left a bad taste into my mouth. I liked how the narrative was going until SURPRISE!! The mastermind is the most vanilla character of them all. I didn’t like that all of the other games were TV shows in the Danganronpa universe, as it retroactively makes DR1, DR2, and UDG worse on replays.

DR1 walked so DR2 could run. As per Danganronpa tradition, some trials were meh- cough cough Trial 3- but others were great. The soundtrack is really great and catchy.

This game is a satisfying conclusion to Nathan Drake’s story.

Gets shit on by the community way too much. Really fun on replays

This game will have you glued to your screen for days on end. You have been warned.

Webslinging around New York in this game is insanely fun and responsive. The story is also really good. My most major complaint is probably the generic open world camps that lie around the world and also the Crimes feature, as they both get repetitive after a few times.

Rhythm Heaven shows that you don’t need an interesting story or characters to make a good game- you just need fun, rewarding, responsive gameplay and a killer soundtrack. My one complaint is that the pre-Megamix games can be “beaten” (not 100%ed) in around 2 hours.

Only good part is that the neighbor looks like Dr Phil

How do you give a game 0 stars? The most enjoyment I got out of this game was watching the Neighbor move as he looks like a stickbug. It’s just so bad.