Finished this over the summer, I adored this from beginning to end, its a must play

Havent finished definitive but the wii game is my favorite game of all time so yeah easy 10/10

I've owned this game 3 times and never regret it once

The best character action game I've ever played, the story works in giving the player the context and motivations, and the switch port's style switching escalates the game play that much further

An amazing return to form for the franchise, the only problem I have is the environment design is somewhat bland and samey.

It's great seeing all the content from PS3 version come overseas, it turns a great game into a masterpiece

A masterpiece of a classic game that should be re-released more often

A shame the ds version is still the best, but this game has amazing gameplay and one of the best character arcs for a MC

Bought this 3 times with no regrets, and the fighting game that really got me into fighting games

A bit janky controls but overall a masterpiece and one of the best looking games for the 3ds

Played through the legacy collection, best follow up to the original X1

I've played this at an arcade years before I started playing the community edition, kinda funny, but yeah this is an amazing fighting game

Award for wackiest title goes to...
Ok but seriously this game is amazing and only lacks in netcode quality