Jesus this might be the scariest game I've ever played in my whole life, I might prefer 2 a bit more but man this comes close

This was the only tekken game I never grew up with or even completed an arcade ladder on once

I was missing out god damn

At least it made me want to play 3D

I completely get why people say Salvation is worse than 3

Aged more beautifully than you'd imagine

I finished this games dante must die mode like a fucking insane person via the definitive edition and I think my brain has turned to mush I can't stop playing this game someone help

Rated as Definitive edition, still not good (all the issues with the levels, bosses, and story are still here) but the gameplay is a lot more fun in a way and less tedious then the original version

I take back every mean thing I ever said about Mythologies: Sub Zero

There’s a reason no one talks about this

I got the “freeze on black screen” ending

Edit on 5/11/23: I got around it, I got the happy ending at least

Had a lot of fun but I’m conflicted on rather its better than the OG or not, it has plenty of things done better but also did stupid shit that didn’t need to be changed or removed so overall on par with the flame kid ships

I gave this too little credit wtf this is great

I take back every mean thing i ever said about tank controls in the original RE games