its the game that started it all and i appreciate it for that but its pretty average and confusing

This game is so cool and just pure fun


this games just hilarious i just love making the most hideous beast possible

i think this game was just everyones childhood + its still fun and funny

This game was really fun but bf2 basically is better in almost every way

im pretty sure i like this game a lot more than others and im fine with that

Might be my favourite mario platformer (part 2)

this game might be better than the first the combat is so fleshed out + they didnt set cal back at the start of the game they actually kept his abilities and cal and merrin are so cute

The basic game is really good but the mods are sm better

cal is def up there was one of my favourite jedi in star wars + this games combat is so satisfying and fun


this is just a game that i always end up coming back to its that good

i was expecting sm more from this game but its still enjoyable and can be funny