Can't believe they put another Fire Emblem character in this game, and a limited release too, but at least this one has a glock.

I've never actually played this game, I've just played the original and have had to research this one for the wiki. Let me tell you, this game is offensively bad. Let me explain.
Little King's Story (Wii) was a game made from the minds of passionate developers such as Yoshiro Kimura. The characters are layered, and sometimes assholes, but never evil. In fact, many of them are actually based on personal struggles the developers have had in their lives or people they had met. The story has a lot of dark but well-explored themes, and was truly aiming to be different. The game was published under Marvelous, who unfortunately were starting to exhibit shady practices and poor treatment of their staff, which contributed to LKS doing worse in Japan. The main debs behind the game cut ties with the company, but the IP stayed with them.
Marvelous then decided only two years later to use the LKS name to fulfil a licensing agreement with Konami. They created this game, New Little King's Story, by simply modifying the original game's code like a ROM hack in an attempt to "JRPG-ify" it. The characters are now turned into anime tropes, and have turned from lovable into outright disgusting people. The themes of loneliness and overambition in a story with no real villain of the first game have been replaced with a story about the power of magical crystals to defeat "The Nightmare". They took something special, someone else's work, and tore it apart to repurpose it as a generic game to grab a market and fulfil a deal. I don't think any gameplay additions could possibly change my mind on how gross this is. Even the original's director and producer said that when he wasn't even asked to work on this, he cried. This is desecration of art. If you've played this game and you enjoyed some semblance of it, chances are you'll enjoy the real Little King's Story a lot more, so I implore you to please play the original on Wii and see how special it is.

Fun game
Unexpected sense of humour too

Icy Wastes is one of the best pieces of VGM ever created. The rest of the game is okay.
Oh and yeah, I'm talking about the Wii one, which isn't even remotely the same game as the DS one so idk why they're lumped together here

Banging music. Unique visual style that blends a rustic look with pixel art. Really fun, addictive mechanics that encourage you to level up as much as possible. The story is probably good but sadly I suck at the game too much to know. Pick this up if you like Shmups/Bullet Hells

The most Metroidest Metroid. It's the biggest 2D game with maybe the least flavour. Still, very very fun gameplay.

This game has aged way better than Metroid 1. Despite its design flaws, it actually plays pretty well. The exploration is segmented so that you don't really need a map too. Really awesome ending. The most underrated and overlooked Metroid by far

This game has a very special place in my heart.

This game is like the Star Wars prequels, where people have become so starved of Metroid that they have convinced themselves it's not so bad.
But it is.
It's very very bad.
And I'm someone who played it knowing about the dumb stuff before going in, and it still let me down.

Yeah yeah, some of the changes are bad, but c'mon, you guys are overstating how much that detracts from how good the rest of the game is. It's still a beautiful experience that isn't at all ruined.

It's... janky and archaic. As retro Metroids go, you're better off playing Metroid 2, an incredible game for its time

I wish I could love this game, but sadly I didn't play it early enough to have nostalgia goggles for it. Sure, the OST level themes, and graphics are a spectacle, and the story pushes the bar a little further than your average Mario, but for a platformer there's just... well... there's a distinct lack of platforming. The game controls super sluggishly, and many of the levels don't involve much jumping in favour of a lot of running and spinning instead: chase the rabbit, chase the mole, spin the switch. Compared to something like 64, where exploration was encouraged, the design of Galaxy either actively dissuades it or just never thought that someone would explore. Sometimes it looks like you can go on the other side of a planet, but you die. Sometimes you jump too high and you hit a death plain. Sometimes you say "hey what's this" and end up glitch-breakdancing into space. Again, this game is all about spectacle, but if you like Mario platforming it's... lacklustre at best.

Quite literally the best game I have ever played. This game is beautifully artistic in its style and storytelling, tackling serious topics with zany humour. The music is incredible, the cutscenes are gorgeous, and the characters (especially the bosses) are some of my favourites in gaming.
But by far the best thing about this game for me is the World. The entire story revolves around it, so the devs made sure that exploring it was a treat, with constant rewards for doing so. There's so many details, nooks 'n' crannies and lore to uncover. It's not hard to become fully invested in the World of Little King's Story.
Cannot recommend this game enough, especially the buttery smooth Wii version, which stills goes for cheap brand new.