It's supposed to be hard
If it wasn't hard, everyone in the world would do it
The hard is what makes it great
Making mistakes is proof that you're challenged
The world is yours


Yo why does that kid have a knife

If I was Samus I would simply punch the EMMI

Goddamn I was too nice to this game this really does fool you into think this game has swag and budget

Glad they included a 10/10 soundtrack to a mid game

This is the funniest fighting game ever

Real Esate Controls Everything

This is so much better than the Wii one its insane

How did they peak with 3D Mario this hard for their first time

If only the movement was good as the actual levels and objectives

Of all the Pokemon games in the series,this is the most well rounded and polished game easily. This is the peak of the franchise

the only issue i wish this game continued past Wizard