Final Fantasy RANKED

Nothing here!

Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VII
The story is convoluted, but the gameplay and characters are really good.
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy X
Kinda dumb but that just makes it funny. Gameplay is pretty good.
Final Fantasy VI
Final Fantasy VI
Really great ensemble cast, great combat, kinda convoluted in plot but pretty much all of these games are.
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy IX
Really awesome cast, but the more personal story gave way to some very boring sci-fi stuff, and the villains are very forgettable.
Final Fantasy XIII
Final Fantasy XIII
This is when all of the worst traits of the series that had been building up for years came together to make an awful game.
Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy VIII
I actually like some of the characters, but the gameplay is broken in many ways, many of which ways aren't fun.
Final Fantasy
Final Fantasy
Yes, it's the first game, but it's still very rough, even compared to its contemporaries.
Final Fantasy IV
Final Fantasy IV
I mean, ATB is cool and the fact that this game has characters is neat, but the plot is so dumb and the game is super linear in exploration and progression, so I'm not huge on it overall.
Final Fantasy V
Final Fantasy V
This might actually have the best gameplay in the series, but while the story is good (And more comprehensible than in other games), it doesn't compare to the top 2.
Final Fantasy XII
Final Fantasy XII
I wish the modern games were more like this.
Final Fantasy II
Final Fantasy II
I'm a Wario Land fan, so I kinda like games where getting hurt benefits you. Dungeon design sucks though.
Final Fantasy III
Final Fantasy III
Dragon Quest III steals a lot of this game's thunder.


6 months ago

I am so excited to work my way up to XIII. Everyone I know has such varying opinions on it and I want to experience it so I can form my own.

6 months ago

@Weatherby Well, I hope you like it. I might make a review of it one day, but aside from the characters, some of which are good, the game is filled with cool ideas that I hate the execution of.

6 months ago

this is pretty close to how i'd rank them as well! (though i have a big soft spot for ff3 since the first ff i ever played was ff3 on ds) i always flip flop between ff6 and ff7 being "the bestest one", but i usually concede it to ff6 just cuz ff7 is my favorite and it feels unfair, and also just cuz it's got that scrappy overambitious energy to it that's difficult to not fall for at the end of the day. also i love seeing ff5 get more of the appreciation it so rightly deserves

6 months ago

13-2 is an incredibly interesting game and I'd be curious to see your take on it. It's definitely better than 13-1 but how much better is YMMV. It's one of the better Final Fantasies I've played but it's also obviously unfinished and kind of obtuse. It's got a lot of good going for it yet its game design can be outright baffling. Very strange game.

6 months ago

@theia FF5 is a classic and I hope more games are inspired by its class system in the future.

@PunnyPeace I actually own it, so maybe I'll start it at some point, but there's other RPGs I'm trying to finish right now (Live A Live, Chrono Cross, etc...).

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