My opinion on this version of the game isn't the same compared to the War of the lions version due to how confusing the translation script was. But the story is still the same, more or less, and it is still one of the greatest stories ever told in a video game.
It is still a near perfect game and one of the best final fantasy games to ever made, it's just not the best version of FFT in my honest opinion.

This review contains spoilers

Everytime I replay this game, my opinion changes. At first, FF8 used to be one of the worst games I've ever played but now I've grown to enjoy its existence. The story is way too convoluted and exposition heavy, many plot twists in which are really explained in an arbitrary set of novels in the menu, making some of the twists to come out of left field. After finally learning the lore, that was when I've grown with the game.

A major problem I have with this game is how they handled the main character himself: Squall (I'll never refer to him as Leon...). I do genuinely like Squall's character and how relatable he is since I too am an intorvert but I found how Square enix executed his mean demeanor to be poorly done and the JRPG choice element in this story made his sudden love for Rinoa to be sudden and not in character. I like the concept of Squall's character but don't like how it was handled.

Now, the biggest criticism I have with FF8 is how utterly pointless battles are. Why battle when you can get paid from basically walking for 5 minutes, get overpowered early on with a card mini game and when the monsters are scaled to your level. The junction system ruined this game for me. Atleast the card minigame was optional.

This is a game where it had great concepts but just didn't execute them properly. I don't hate the game but I also don't like it; it's a conflicting opinion.

There's a reason why this game still gets praised. Peels back each and every character wonderfully, showing the masks and harships that they all bare, all with an emotional showcase of their backstory. As a good writer need to take note of, a good backstory needs a good front story and this game contains the most emotional front stories ever told in a video game. Has my favorite antagonist in all of fiction. Truly a masterpiece, through and through.

After spending some time reflecting on this game, I can't help but remember its flaws overshadowing its strengths. FFXVI has some of the most incredible moments in the series but it also has some of the slowest parts the series has to offer. The gameplay, which heavily focuses on action and individual combat doesn't align well with the games storyline. While the story itself embodies the essence of a fantasy tale it lacks a sense of collective overcoming adversity due, to how Clive, the character handles everything on his own, embodying the individualistic mindset.

Without spoiling I must say that the resolution to the struggles faced by the oppressed characters was quite disappointing and unrealistic. It felt rather simplistic and doesn't reflect reality.

The game does explore themes and topics that could evoke emotions and have a profound impact. However it falls short in conveying these ideas leaving them feeling somewhat flat. It saddens me because I can see the potential for greatness in the story.

Another drawback of the game is how it leaves many questions unanswered and presents many questionable scenes without proper context. One significant example is Barnabas character; while his motivations or details about his mother are not addressed in the storyline they are explained in the Active Time Lore, though not at a time when players would prefer to read more.
The way the ATL was implemented in this game didn't quite meet my expectations. There were moments when I had questions or mysteries that weren't adequately explored and I wanted to read the ATL to learn more but it mostly provided me nothing. It felt the ATL was necessary to piece together what has happened in the story which didnt fit in with the kind of story FFXVI was trying to tell. It felt like the ATL didn't seamlessly fit into this story driven game unlike games such, as Elden Ring where lore is explained through item descriptions but still maintains a sense of exploration and combat in From Software games. In my opinion the implementation of the ATL fell short.

FFXV was what I hoped for in a dark, modern Final fantasy for the most part. The story was executed well on some parts, although there were moments where I felt certain plot points could have had an impact. Clive facing his shadow still gives me some goosebumps thinking about it but it couldve went even further. I also wished that it delved deeper into the concepts explored by its characters. However it does touch upon their struggles to some extent. There is "some" payoff for their dilemmas so I can't fault the game entirely in that regard.

The pacing was solid in the half of the game. Things got a bit strange once the second half kicked in. As for gameplay, it was incredibly enjoyable to play; I didn't get bored fighting the enemies. However, the repetitive game design of how the side quests were handled made the action gameplay didnt mesh with the rpg elements.

I'm sure you've heard criticism about the side quests being lackluster. Not all of them were bad. Some side quests actually built upon themes like breaking free from fate or discrimination, confronting ones shadow and forging paths for people to live and die on their terms. They weren't all incredible but not every single one was terrible either; it was sadly bogged down to repetitive game design.

I genuinely appreciate the attention, to detail in the world and lore. The bosses were truly a spectacle to behold and Clive proved to be a protagonist seamlessly joining the ranks of the main characters, in the Final Fantasy series. I just want to clarify that I'm not criticizing or being negative, towards the game. As a fan of the Final Fantasy series I simply want to understand what the developers intended for us to grasp with FFXVI. My aim is to provide constructive criticism and feedback. Overall, I do believe FFXVI is a good game. I've mostly enjoyed my time with it. Although it has many flaws, my experience with the game was more or less positive, especially compared to other flawed games.

My favorite video game of all time. It was one of the first video games I have ever played and it is the game I have replayed the most. My favorite cast in a video game, my favorite gameplay in a JPRG and it had a plethora of masterfully crafted moments that still make me emotional. Don't think any other game will ever top this game for me. This game helped me at a desperate time in my life and it will continue to influence my daily life. Even as a kid, I knew I was playing my favorite video game and this game will forever be magical to me. God, I love this game.

~My Personal favorite Persona Game. I acknowledge all of the cons this game has; The Answer is easily the lowest point of the game, traversing in Tartarus isn't fun and not being able to control your party members during battle does suck. But the execution of its themes and a majority of the social links is still worth the playthrough. Social links like Akanari and Aigis are some of my favorites in the entire series. Every time I think about this game, I always get emotional. The soundtrack is easily my favorite soundtrack in any video game. And The ending is easily my favorite ending in any video game; the last section of The Journey is where it really peaked for me. I just love this game too much and will gladly say I am looking at this game with rose-tinted glasses. The game is still worth the time investment btw, even if it hasn't aged well, it's still a game any fan of JRGPs should at least try once in their lifetime.

Amazing experience. What makes this game so unbelievably good is how it doesn’t use any cheap/forced horror or jumpscares to make it come across as scary but more on the psychological side of horror. The fear of the unknown is the kind of fear that is the most terrifying and the Silent Hill team did this in spades. I don’t want to spoil any major plot points but it is so fascinating finding out why each character is in silent hill to begin with, all the trauma they have gone through, and the devs really dig deep into their psyche, to the point that it is too painful to bear witness. As a psychology nerd, James’ character is a character arc that I’ll probably never forget. Everything that was built up til the end of the game was profoundly written and made me gitty seeing all the references to Carl Jung’s shadow theory and repressed emotions/memories. My main gripe with the game is how easy it is to get lost in this game. Granted, this could have been intentional for the purpose of being thematically accurate but sometimes it felt like I was wasting huge chunks of my time just trying to figure out where to go. I appreciate how the enemy designs were very symbolic of what James perceives but some of them were just easy to deal with and didn’ horrify me after being saturated with them. All in all, this is the kind of horror I am deeply into, it is by far the best horror game I’ve ever played and deserves all the praise it gets.

Influenced by many works of art like Studio Ghibli’s Castle in the Sky, Robert Louis Stevenson’s “Treasure Island” as well as Daniel Defoe’s “Robinson Crusoe,” Skies of Arcadia embodies a sense of adventure unlike any other. There is a great sense of freedom in this game. At a time where JRPGs were defined by convoluted lore, characters/themes dealing with moral ambiguity, and dark, harrowing settings, Arcadia would go back to the old JRPG roots and make its own mark on the genre. It doesn’t have heavy interpersonal drama or delve deep into the character’s psyche, but the simple joy of adventure. The game's sky-bound world serves as a backdrop for one's dreams and its enchanting soundtrack enhances the experience. Sometimes a game doesn’t need to be the most complex work ever created. Skies of Arcadia is a celebration for fans that adore JRPGs. There's a delight in playing this magical game yet if you delve deeper you'll find underlying complexity.

Granted, the game isn’t flawless; its random encounter rate in both the Dreamcast and Gamecube version is very high, and the combat is very slow, with lengthy animations. But, what the game sets out to do, its missteps are easily forgiven.

A game that brings out the inner child in me is truly priceless to me. I felt a tinge of sadness when the adventure in this game came to an end. The journey I experienced will always hold a place in my memories. Basically, this is a game that I'll definitely share with my children.

I wouldn’t be here right now if this game didn’t exist. This game left the biggest personal impact on me. At the time, I was in a dark headspace, questioning my existence and wondering what was my place in the world. I couldn’t hold myself in high self-esteem for the longest time. I had no meaningful connection developed and was truly in a nihilistic mindset. I truly believed life was deterministic and free will was just an illusion. One day, I wanted to just get my mind off of reality and just play a game, any game. The game I chose to play that fateful day was Final Fantasy IX. This game truly saved me from my most troubling times. It probably is very cliche and over the top to say “I probably wouldn’t be here without this game,” but that’s exactly the case with FFIX.

While I was having my negative existential dread, Final Fantasy IX gave a positive conclusion to existentialism that I have never seen done in a video game: “How do we rise above existential dread and accept a deterministic world? Though your individuality and sense of self may be an illusion, everyone has the ability to experience genuine moments that are specific to you. One’s that nobody else can or will experience. The connections you’ve made, the path you went, those are yours and yours alone. Nobody would feel the same emotions in the exact same way you felt. The only way to make your experiences beautiful is if you’re with someone else, someone who cares for you. That is what makes life worth living.” It poses such a simple yet unique solution to existential dread. How could I not get so emotional after hearing that? After the credits rolled, I was so moved; I didn’t know such a game can come into my life at the perfect time. I am tremendously grateful to have played this game and I am still profoundly moved by how many people were saved by this game and went through the same dilemma that I have gone through many years back.

For this reason, Final Fantasy IX is a masterpiece in every stretch of the word. I would do anything to play this game for the first time again.

The most compelling and psychological story ever told, period. Fei Fong Wong is one of the most compelling and introspective characters I've seen in a JRPG; the same sentiment can go towards Elly and Krelian's character. But I do find some of the other cast of characters to not be executed well enough, (for instance: Rico). And everyone knows about the infamous Disc 2 where it turns the entire typical JRPG gameplay the first disc had and made it into basically a visual novel. Also, sadly, this game suffered from a lot of grinding in order to progress with the story. It was an ambitious game that was rushed and had a team where they weren't experienced with 3D modeling so it was a recipe for disaster yet it turned out to be a near masterpiece. I didn't mind the sudden change in disc 2 because I found the lore and the worldbuilding to be so fascinating that I just wanted to learn more.

After playing this game, I have read so many books and read so many articles discussing gnosticism, and the many branches of psychological thinking (Carl Jung, Sigmund Freud, Jacques Lacan, etc). This game made me think about my life in a very unique way and opened my eyes to what storytelling can accomplish. Because of this, I was on a hunt to find games similar to Xenogears but had very little success in doing so over the years. That is why this game is so special; there is quite literally nothing like it. I thank this game for getting me into psychoanalytics and am grateful I got to experience this game in my life.

Controversial take, but this is a game that I feel deserves a remake the most; if Square ever does touch up on Xenogears and fixes its problem, this could very well end up being the greatest game ever made. I know the gaming industry is going through a sort of "remake renaissance," but, with the right team and vision, I can see a remake of Xenogears being done well. The base game is not perfect and has many flaws but most masterpieces exhibit the same sentiment. Despite it all, I find Xenogears to be one of the greatest games ever made and no other game is at the same level of complexity quite like Xenogears.