I'll probably like this more when Rockstar stops being lazy.


I'm sad that Aphrodite isn't real because I think I need a goddess like her in my life to tell me everything is going to be okay.

Also the game is pretty good I guess

There was a lot of sexual undertones in this game looking back. It ain't a good game.

I liked this game better than the 2D game collection.

Wow. why?

Can you believe I wanted this game just because of the Jet Set Radio skin?

Yeah, I am a dumb kid.

Smash Wii U but on 3DS. I guess people still hate Bayonetta here too.

My friend told me this game is full of lolis and now I can't play it anymore without feeling disgusting. It's still fun tho.

My wish came true and Bayonetta was added in.

....and everyone hated her :(

The only game where I feel slightly competent enough to shit on people. Still get migraines from this game, tho.

I'd rather be playing Minecraft TBH.

"Cover mechanic, huh?"
Why didn't this game get a sequel :(

From the creators of the acclaimed Bayonetta, Metal Gear Rising, and NieR: Automata, comes their first attempt at ruining all other Third Person Shooters for me.

Did they deliver?

Yes. Now I live in disappointment that I can't flip of out cover in Gears of War or something.

This one was better. But still not that good. also really glitchy.