130 Reviews liked by DevilSurvivor

the amalgamation of what this game is trying to say, it's artstyle the way it's written and presented really makes it one of a kind
it interacts with you assuming you are a certain type of person which creates a weird way of positioning yourself as a player if you don't fit in that category
you should play this blind and you should give it a chance

As much as the original Meme Run was beloved by many, its sequel Meme Run 2 falls short in several ways. The game seems to lack the same charm and wit that made the first one so special. The levels are less creative and feel uninspired, and the use of off-brand memes can feel cringy and out of touch with current internet culture. Furthermore, the game's difficulty level seems to have been ramped up without offering any new or exciting challenges. Additionally, the graphics and sound design lack the same level of polish and personality, making it feel like a soulless cash-grab rather than a passion project. Overall, Meme Run 2 is a disappointing follow-up to a beloved classic, failing to capture the same magic that made its predecessor so fun and memorable.

While opinions on what makes a great video game may vary, it's hard to deny the charm and addictiveness of Meme Run for Wii U. This quirky indie game combines the classic side-scrolling platformer with internet memes, creating a hilarious and engaging experience. The levels are creatively designed with a variety of challenges, and the game's use of popular memes as enemies and power-ups adds a unique touch of humor. The game's simple controls make it accessible to players of all skill levels, while its challenging difficulty level keeps players engaged and striving to improve. Meme Run's upbeat soundtrack and bright, colorful graphics further enhance the overall fun and playful atmosphere. Overall, Meme Run is a gem of a game that offers a fun and entertaining experience for gamers and meme lovers alike.

the angrier ppl get at it the better it is

An SMT game with urgency and stakes built into its plot. Difficulties unbalances add to the scenario, as it does mimic what an haphazard situation this would be in the real world setting. I’m not entirely keen on some of the plot elements at the end, but the lockdown scenario is really well made

Great Srpg with smt mechanics. Great character, great story and i reccomend it to any fan of srpgs.

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Xenoblade Chronicles, where do I even start. Nearly everything about this game is phenomenal. To get my complaints out of the way first, the side content is boring to say the least. It mostly is comprised of fetch quests, or go here and kill x amount of enemies. With my complaints out of the way, let me get to what I like about the game. All the twists and turns the plot take are insane. It has some decent foreshadowing, an incredible start, a gripping narrative, spectacular gameplay, and a cast of characters that are diverse with their own motives that drive them, making it feel natural for them to all come together. The characters have such a wonderful dynamic to them that truly makes every scene they are in enjoyable. The gameplay is deep, with lots of customization, with 7 different characters with very different playstyles. The artstyle in both the original and the remake are beautiful and stand on their own ground. The villains are all (mostly) great, Zanza, Mumkhar, Egil. All amazing antagonists that fit the plot very well. Dickson was decent as an antagonist, but they "foreshadowed" his betrayal WAY too early. Lorithea was the worst of the bunch, she didn't do much of anything, but she was fine for her role I guess. The world is a very interesting setting. Taking place on 2 giant titans with varying areas that have so much spectacle. Being able to see where you are on the titan in perspective to where you are is a very nice touch that makes the environment feel more grounded and real, even though its so out there conceptually. Being able to see other body parts of the titan while exploring certain areas is also a very nice touch. Everything this game does with it's gameplay, story, characters and areas are fantastic and I absolutely adore all of it. Xenoblade Chronicles is a defining game of the JRPG genre that anyone who has any interest should try. It's a must play for and fan of RPGS, there truly is nothing else like it.

What a load of shit, if I could give 0 stars I would. I only liked some of the character interactions, the story was stupid and had no substance. I don't see how it can be the ending to a trilogy when its a prequel to a game that leaves the player with more questions than answers. Xenoblade 1 didn't even leave you with questions that really needed to be answered, it was a complete story that didn't need a franchise tacked onto it. Games like this are what ruin the image of Xenoblade. Additionally, nothing was explained outside of lore dump monologues that were hard to keep up with, and the characters are shallow husks with little emotion. The only redeeming factor regarding characters were Shulk and Rex.

Super great story, pretty good characters, fantastic gameplay, and you can get Black Frost as not a demon but as a whole ass party member so 100/5 just for that

After deeply enjoying Persona 4 Golden (and Persona 3 and Catherine) I thought I should probably check out the SMT series.

Ehhhhh... I didn't really care for how different this was. I knew it was a significantly series than Persona, but it still threw me off due to my expectations. It was hard in an annoying way, and too vague in some ways, as well. I don't think I look for those things in a JRPG.

Also, the fact that this is on a 3DS probably has something to do with it. The dark themes and serious nature is definitely hindered by the underpowered machine. This has even kept me away from trying SMT V on Switch.

I remember, I remember the days. Back when I played it, it, SMT, IV. Such the days were, such were days, the days, back when SMT, SMT IV, IV, the IV, SMT IV... Back when I played it...

When I played it, this game, all I could think, all I could think, all I could feel, all I could think, all I could do, all my thoughts, all the days, back when I played, all the IV, SMT, SMT IV, my one thought, all I thought, one thought... "this game is not good! I do not like this game!" is what my one thought, my one thought whilst play, play the game...

If there were one thing, one thing I could highlight, one thing to say, one thought to think, one game, one game, one IV, SMT IV, it is just to think, just to say...

SMT, SMT IV, a game, a bad, bad game, one so foul, so poor...

My heart goes out to those who say, those who say who believe to say, to say the game has merit, to say there is something more, something more about, something about to say, to say good things, of good things one speaks, one speaks all well, all well should not, all well false realities...


Despite it's grim subject matter and brutal gameplay, Devil Survivor is a comfort game for me. Every time I start a new playthrough, it pulls me right back in immediately. Devil Survivor has an incredible atmosphere and a very cool branching storyline that is incredibly fun to experience blind. When you're not in combat, Devil Survivor becomes a game of managing your time and planning out your future actions to pursue what's important to you. The weight of your actions is very tangible in Devil Survivor, but ultimately it's YOUR game. If you don't like a certain character, the game isn't going to hold your hand and force you to save and recruit them anyways. You can choose what you want to deal with and what's most important to you in this conflict, and it's really magical. If you're down for a challenge, Devil Survivor is a glowing recommendation from me.

I wonder if I can give this thing 0 stars