this had a mass effect 3 times larger than the first two on my sexuality

i need a krogan gf
i will cure her genophage
i need a salarian gf
i will fertilize her eggs
i need a kai leng gf
i can fix her

this had a mass effect 2 on my sexuality, i really want to reclaim rannoch for my wife tali

this had a mass effect on my sexuality, i can only get hard for sexy blue aliens

she rise on my ronin till i deluxe edition

the best samurai game not named nioh 2, ghost of sucksucker is garbage in comparison

dragon's dogma 1.3

it's like they forgot to add enemy variety, new good vocations, engaging boss battles, good music, varied combat styles, an intriguing plot, and a plethora of good enemies to fight.

amazing how a game from 12 years ago is better than the modern day sequel we've been waiting over a decade for.

great job itsuno you fucking hack

all those people who bitched and moaned about XIII being hallways were in the wrong, as usual.

hallways are way better than shitty open spaces

this game could learn a thing or two from genshin impact about how to design an open world, and a few things from honkai star rail on how to make good graphics.

at least the music is serviceable i guess.

An unnecessary remake of a game that didn't really need one, but a welcome change nonetheless.

Absolutely not worth $70 though, especially without the answer

Pro's: New music, most of it bad, refined gameplay that's too easy
Cons: New voice acting, all of it bad, characters aren't corpulent enough

Wait for a sale

Dragalia Lost so Relink could be found

Shirow Miwa's designs are wasted in this painfully mediocre cash-grab.

Ringo controls like a car which is funny for the first 5 minutes, then you turn around and the entire game crashes.

Could be worse, like Persona 3, I suppose.

Tired from a long day at work, the Nintendo fan's tired mother returns home to a household. Dread in her voice, she calls to the basement.
"Did you run the dishwasher" she said into the abyss, drearily
"GameFreak", called a tired voice from the basement

She breathed a sigh of relief. She knew the dishes were washed.

least interesting dark souls game, large step down from 2 and doesn't come close to 1

this game really makes you feel like a dragon

kinda middling until the last couple chapters

The best platinum game and one of the most raw soundtracks to ever grace an action game