This was a joy to 100%. The sequel engrossed me much more, but this game's story is a lot easier to invest in.

Fantastic campaign and a timeless set of multiplayer maps, plus some of the best Zombies in the whole franchise?

I gave this such a hard time when it came out, simply for not being Alan Wake II. Even putting aside the fact that I'm finally getting that game, Quantum Break deserves some acclaim. The TV show is superfluous in the end, but it is ambitious, and definitely unique; the combat is Remedy's second weakest offering, in my opinion, falling just ahead of Control. But the writing is superb; it carries that signature Remedy blend of weirdness and inspiration.

For my ninth birthday, my parents gave me this and Star Wars: Battlefront. I was so incredibly happy.

The part of me that holds the Divine Comedy as one of the greatest works of world literature cringes in the extreme at this game; the rest of me thinks it's pretty good.

Minecraft is an incredibly difficult game to rate; there are times where I can't get enough of it, and times where I'm bored out of my mind. Its influence is undeniable, and the consistent developer support is top of the industry, but the novelty has lessened with time.

They chose the wrong adjective, because this game was Amazing.

Gameplay is an absolute chore, but it's my single favorite story in the series.

It doesn't hold up incredibly well, but the nostalgia never truly leaves either.

My favorite of the three, with a narrative seeped in politics and the ugliness of humanity, and a combat system that still feels unique.


Still one of my favorite horror games, and the first title I played of the seventh gen. Brilliant presentation and unique ideas in enemy design and storytelling blend together for a singularly horrifying experience.

One of the comfiest JRPGs I've ever played, and an easy recommend. You don't really need to grind too much unless you want to see everything, which is welcome.

Another mixed bag. This has the strongest main character in the past decade of Assasin's Creed games, and Egypt is an enthralling setting, but the combat really does nothing for me, and the parkour gets downgraded so hard.