Outclassed by the sequel in every way, but still a good foundation.

Started off really modest, but has gotten better and better with time.

The game's second half is a ridiculous parody of itself, and is all the funnier for it, even unintentionally.

A good video game for one of the goated movies.

I could not get the controls to click with me.

On its own, the game pushes three stars, but with the other two in the trilogy, the experience as a whole is raised.

For my ninth birthday, my parents gave me this and Star Wars: Battlefront. I was so incredibly happy.

I forgot this exists, let alone how hold it is.

Look how they massacred my boy.

With coop, this is a game you can sink way, way too much time into.

It's okay. It has an incredible opening, but the later acts have a very forgettable story,.

I don'[t think I'd enjoy this much if I replayed it, so I refuse to. Back in the day, though, this was an amazing movie tie-in.