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Great CRPG , especialy if it's your first game, but the game lose a bit of it's luster if you're bit more experienced.

But it's still impressive achievement from Larian , because I HATED Divinity Original Sin 2, their previous games , but managed to get to characters to Act 3 in less than a month.

Characters are quite good , but nothing ground breaking. They actually lack quite bit in term of their own relationships with each other compared to Wrath of the Righteous where not only they talk with each other but have so many interactions between them and characters that you're currently talking. In comparasion Bg3 companions are much easier to like them due their characterization being deliver not only by text or voice, but also motion.

My personal favorite are Wyll, Shadowheart and Laezel. I just wish they had more say to each other because the party feels a bit.. too isolated from each other. It's a huge positive that I wanted more from the companions, instead of less.

The Combat is really fun probably the best part, along side with environmental interactions. It's lowkey a Immservice Sim.
The classes for most part feels good to play and having multi class being so easy to acess is good. But I wish it had more classes, especialy more Gish/hybrid classes, I miss my Magus and Inqusitor from Pathfinder and Blood Mage Fighter from Pillars 2. But at least, the environmental interactions really give a good amount of depth that DnD 5E lack.

The reacitivy is truly impressive, races , classes and dieties. Too bad some of them get a unreasonable amount compared to others and they don't change the flow of the conversations as much as something like Mythic Path in Wrath. Also the overall dialogue options are bit bland and don't allow you to play more than Good and Evil.

The exploration is probably the best in genre. There's so much to explore and you going to fail to see everything in your first three playthoughts. Yeah, it's that crazy.

The rest mechanic is terrible. It goes against the urge of urgency from the main story AND locks quite important scenes (romance , companions quest progression, personal quest progression) behind several Long Rests that you might not use a lot due the fact that you're playing a Warlock or Monk that have core abilities that only require Short Rest. And again, it fucks completely over the sense of urgency from the main story. Again Pathfinder did this much better.

The main story, it's alright. It's pretty generic and it takes like 30h+ to established the villains. And then you kill one of them way too quickly. The other two seems way better. Raphael, a antagonist, is way better shown and used than the main three. Overall the story feels kinda all over the place and unfocused.. It's about saving yourself , defeating this cult and their leaders , it also involves Gith's Lich Queen , and "false Messiah" , AND you have this backstory of the Emperor on top of it. Too much.

The companions stories are better, even if the pacing is kinda wonky sometimes (Shadowheart apparence changing for example). Also due the mocap and voice acting conversations are often short compared to most games in the genre. Most character aren't that good or interesting , but I always interested to see what Raphael has to say.

Also I didn't do the Evil path, but I struggle to find any good reason to why you would side with the Absolute in any of the occasions so far (I just started Act 3 with my Spore druid and currently playing Act 2 with my Dark Urge Monk.). It's very binary. That goes for most quest. You either have a Good options and Evil option , but the evil option generaly just lock yourself out of content instead of giving you different content. This ain't no Lich Path or Angel Path in Pathfinder , where you meet different characters , quests and unique scenes.

All in all BG3 is EASILY the best Triple A RPG to come out in the last 15 years or so.
If you want a RPG with high production value and cinematic, a successor to Dragon Age Origins that doesn't drop all RPG elements , this is the best one. Bethesda and Bioware should learn a thing or two from this game.

I can see why people enjoy MH World but honestly , I just can't. Sometimes having more of anything is quite good but I this case , MH is doing fine with less of certain things. This review was made just after fighting Nergigante. I played MH 1, Freedom Unite 3rd, 3U , 4U , GENU and RiseSunbreak (mostly Freedom 3rd and Rise to completion of the "main story" and a lot of GENU)

Less clutter, smaller maps , less Monster Turf wars , less walking around huge maps , etc.

MH World is BIG , CINEMATIC AND GRAPHICS ARE 4K 20180p or whatever , but the game just sucks to fight monsters compared to Rise , GENU, 4U, 3U and Freedom Unite 3rd. In of all those games you have flat maps , with almost no "Endemic life" and mostly less impressive graphics but that works perfectly because you're fighting huge ass monsters. You need to clean open field to see what you're fighting. That's no the case in World , there's just too much clutter, too much details , especialy in maps like Ancient Forest or Flooded forest.

A lot of arenas are tight corridors or small rooms that make fighting monsters is generaly painful unfun. Not to mention when two or more monster decide to have Roar Contest for a few minutes. I know about Dung Bombs , but even still , monsters are just constantly invading and just breaking the flow of combat.

I dislike some change for some weapons, especially the removal of Earplugs from Insect glaive and the Arch Demon Dodge from Dual Blades , but the rest of the weapons are just fine.

Also , I don't get why they thought this mediocre story was so important that they stop you from skipping cutsnces , making new characters/save insanely boring and unfriendly and last, NEVER make Decos crafting RNG again pls.

The graphics are really good but then again, we don't need to make maps so detailed that actually harm the combat because you have plants , trees , vines , mud or other things between you and the monsters moveset. Plus , having a huge map and have to constantly from after flying monsters that freaking love to travel the entire map, is not that fun. Rise's palemute in World would have done wonders for this , because without them.. Traveling these maps is just a waste of time and test of my patience.

A nitpick to end this review: Most weapons and Armor designs are butt ugly. Next tike ask Itsuno and the Dragon's Dogma team how to make some ACTUAL GOOD realistic Weapn and Armor design.

And don't bring back the cinematic camera for environmental interactions, those things are super distracting.

2/5. The pretty graphics ain't enough to ignore the other issues. Shelved , maybe one day I will return to do Iceborne , but for now, I'm going back Sunbreak.

Overall, it's pretty darn good. The CnC (choice and consequence) are pretty good, the game has timed quest and don't fuck around about them. I lost Bizarre by my own stupidity. It made me rush all timed quest afterwards. The game certainly has another playthought worth of content at least, maybe two if you go for the best ending and another for Raider run.

I enjoy the game atempts to make Skill Checks not a auto win always , it doesn't happen a lot but it's nice. I thought the use of skill checks was pretty much perfect. Almost all Skill feels rewarding , even Sneak that's generaly terrible in CRPGs , can be use to great use get Sneak attack bonus or just scout rooms ahead. Builds variety doesn't come close to something like DOS2 neither Pathfinder, but there's enough to make a second run not feel boring.

The Combat is really good. Probably my favorite of any Modern CRPG. The story is nothing to amazing but it does it job well , it gives a nice conflict but honestly, the entire game i kinda wished i went a Raider Run and take over Arizona with Cordite. Angela is just too reckless even if Patriac is a major asshole sometimes.

I can see why some people hate it, the humor can be hit or miss but i thought was WAY more tolerable than DOS2, even had a good chuckle with characters like Flab (my homie.. i failed you) , Fargo and the communist robots.

Good game , terrible final boss.

Really good game plagued with horrible bosses fights.
The combat takes a while to get good because of Upgrade system, especialy if you try to use Dragon of Dojima. Grindy AS FUUUUCK. At least you get grind with Majima, best boy.

The Story and Character might not the most well writen or deep, but they're engaging af and you get you interested. All characters have striking personalities and one or two scenes with each is enough to get to like them.

The main villian is also really good, sadly the ''twist viillian'' is weak.

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Shin Megami Tensei V is tries too hard to be like Nocturne, so much that the story pays a great price.

Gameplay wise , this game is perfect. Best use of Press Turn in any Mainline game. Exploration is great, i love the Mi-Men , voice acting is solid , visual and art direction is well done , OSTs is really freaking good.

The story tho, it's just mediocre, painfuly mediocre especialy compared to Strange journey or Devil Survivor Overclocked with a terrible pacing.

At least some of the sidequest are better and have some unique interractions with the demons and Demon's writing is great. Full of personality , better than the main characters. Actually best thing in terms of writing is the demons.

And the ''main'' characters.. ooof. Yuzuru might be my least favorite character EVER, Miyazu/Khonshu both have a total unearned deveploment at 80h+ in a secondary sidequest that's SUPER missable , Tao has the personality and characterzation of a door, Sahori is a plot device and the rest might as well not exist...

The only salvageable characters are Icihiro Dazai , Abdiel and Yakumo and even then , Dazai has weirdest 180° at the end of the game..

Tldr; Just play for the gameplay, ignore the story and characters. IGN was kinda right , it's kinda like Persona without a heart.

Great gameplay...
Seriously , everything else is pointless. The Gameplay is great lmao.


Wasted potencial , the game.

Still fun to play until Civilization mode and try it out some Space Adventure missions..

Downgrade in almost everyway of Sims 3 but still good enough.. Also it runs really well and has a great mod scene.

I really like this game. I had a blasting playing , sadly it runs like garbage.

It's Kingmaker but bigger and better...

Sadly still quite buggy and the crusader mode is somehow WORSE than Kingdom Management.

It's fine.. with a pretty bad ending. Connor is cool.. sometimes..

Outside of Far Cry 1 and 2, probably the only Far Cry game that's worth playing.

Has some nice themes, does a good job of tie together gameplay and the narative and sometimes has some neat things to say on top of a really good gameplay.

But loses a bit of momentum after Vaaz tho.

It's Pokemon but has better graphics, better pokemon and some really amazing character design.

Cynthia, Dawn , Marlene , etc. Love them all.

Worst leveling system ever, trash leveling scale, most quests and guilds are just really awful.

At least Dark Brotherhood and Thief guids questlines are quite good..