The Weird Twos

They say the third time's the charm, but you have to try a second time first.

Some of these might be direct sequels and others might just be the second "numbered" title in the series. Either way, I'll be giving whatever excuse I came up for it in the notes

Slightly less obtuse than its predecessor but makes up for it by intensifying the combat. Feels like a bizarro-world version of Zelda 1, especially since it's a direct sequel featuring a different Princess Zelda. I still maintain that if Nintendo weren't cowards, they'd remake this game next
A good idea marred by sub-par execution, as with many other games. Symphony of the Night has some special sauce of its own but I like to think it retroactively makes Simon's Quest just a little more likeable

Fuck "The Lost Levels", me and all my homies hate "The Lost Levels"
Weird in its own ways compared to the first, but that leveling system was probably the most unique thing about it. The SaGa series would pick that up and Final Fantasy would go on to become progressively more unlike itself somewhere north of X
It's more important than you know
There are two kinds of gamers: The ones that enjoy The New Adventures and the fakers. This one also only uses the 2 outside of Japan, but I don't CARE
Knights and shamblers? Shub-Niggurath? Nine Inch Nails? You must have been dreaming, bro. C'mon, grab your super shotgun, it's time to go make some Beef Strogg-anoff
This one's cheating a bit as it's really only known as Clock Tower II in the States, but no matter what way you split it, going from its immediate predecessor to this is like having your head used as a Beyblade
Rather than me explaining it, I think it's better that you just play them both one right after the other
It's hard to make a game like Parasite Eve weirder. At least it still isn't The Third Birthday
The more the years go by the more I appreciate this game for what it is
Needs no introduction. The Dresspheres were cool, though
Still edgy, but in a fun way?
Gods I love when they make goofy video game characters edgy
Just do a quick Google Image search and you'll understand
Not too different in terms of gameplay, but a very experimental title compared to the first, for better or for worse. Not to everybody's taste, but if you're sufficiently deranged (like me) there's still a lot to love here
A perfectly apt sequel, gameplay wise. Now, visually...
While it can't top the original or 64, Star Fox 2 is a neat little experiment and I'm glad Nintendo finally released it. Of course, some of its elements ultimately ended up in Command and Zero, and while I can't fairly blame 2 for the existence of those games this bile and rage needs to go somewhere
I don't know who Soul Hackers 2 was made for, but it sure as hell wasn't for fans of Soul Hackers


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