I'd make my robot girlfriend hot too if i were Raymond

Completing this game is way more fun if you have to destroy your hands in chicken races. Now i dont even know how to farm money LMAO

i love game that make me cry :(

played this game in coop and at some point the map just broke LMAO

WHY ARE THERE SNIPERS PLACED EVERYWHERE AS SOON AS YOU GET THE ROCKET ABILITY FOR BETTER AND FASTER TRAVELING??????????? the game generally sucks imo but this was the worst part of it all

if it wasnt for the ability downgrades this would have been better in every way than Botw but traveling the world (especially mountains) kinda sucks here without Revalis Gale or whatever it was called. But still very good with fun puzzles

i truly engaged with the Fire Emblems

its still pokemon. it does what it does

Some YouTuber (don't remember which one) once said it plays like a PS2 game but in HD. Couldn't agree more

i always wanted to have microtransaction in a far easier Botw with less content.
also the dlc lowkey blows ass

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C H A O S ! ! !

i had way more fun with the first title and i could not say why

its short and fun and it comes free with your xbo- i mean PS5