I remember liking this game on PSP and this is much better than I remember. I enjoy the bite-sized structure that Crisis Core and Peace Walker have, it's a concession but results in an addictive game loop.

Genesis is still the worst.

I loved it. Moving around as Sonic is just plain fun and alot of the time I ignored the fast travel system just to traverse the environment in interesting ways. It is not without its flaws but undeserving of the criticism it received.

Solid game carried by its writing, world building and voice acting. The gameplay itself can be a mess. The scavenging and zombie stealth/combat are cool. The boring firefights stuck in a dimension of only chest high walls? Not so much.

More of the same but half of the gameplay is a setpiece exploring a spooky mall. It has a surprising amount of missable dialogue that is pretty well thought out.

Turning infected against other survivors is pretty cool.

A huge refinement of the gameplay loop. It improves upon the strengths of the first entry and smooths out its rough edges.

Great performances from the voice actors who give a convincing portrayal of people entirely consumed by their revenge.

A game that will be every bit as fun as the original to replay which is an achievement in itself. One of the best entries in the series full stop. Ashley stole the show.

Great to finally get around to this. IX combines the lessons learned from the other PS1 Final Fantasy games and polishes it to the nth degree.

Stunningly beautiful, great cast of weirdos, fantastic classical FF story. Can't recommend it more highly.

I have complicated feelings about this game. Its story has moments I loved but ultimately fell to (bad) anime tropes at some key moments which were not helped by some questionable voice direction. However, the OST was fantastic, the world and character models were beautiful and I still found myself enjoying it enough. It’s hard to not compare it to Xenoblade Chronicles which overshadows and outclasses it in every regard.

A great chapter that acknowledges the faults of the base game and through its own narrative does work to redeem the rougher edges of it.

I resent it making me grind subquests twice, but at least it was worth it.

First time playing this and it holds up really well. The controls are not intuitive but functional. Amazing OST, great level design, fun weapons. Has moments that exist to sell strategy guides.

Understandable why its one of finest games ever made.

A flawless sequel that improves on the elements that made Breath of the Wild special, building atop its sandbox with endless content and crazy tools to manipulate it with. Rewards creativity and exploration like no other game.

[World Tour Mode]
A decently fun brawler that teaches you some of the core mechanics of the game.

Has some nice cutscenes with the Street Fighter cast but ultimately the story does not capitalise on the SF lore or expand it in any meaningful way.

Review of Other Modes to follow...

One of Kamiya's finest games. Endlessly replayable and its sincere charm smooths over flaws or annoyances that can arise.

The onboarding is pretty brutal but when you get over that it's truly Wonderful.

The spirit of Final Fantasy is reinventing itself in its mainline entries and Final Fantasy XVI does not disappoint.

A great supporting cast with performances to match, fantastic soundtrack and a fun combat system combine into making one of the most confident and complete Final Fantasy titles to date that stands on its own outside of its franchise namesake.

Much ink has been spilled about how Final Fantasy VII revolutionised JRPGs and gaming as a whole and with good reason. Its infinite charm has not tarnished over the years and its fantastic cast of weirdos still hold up as some of the most iconic in Final Fantasy.

The game is bursting with hidden secrets, materia is still a really great system with a lot of flexibility and the soundtrack is Uematsu’s finest work. It's perfect and don't let any cowards tell you otherwise.