Beacon Pines (@BeaconPines)
Developed by: Hiding Spot (@hidingspotgames)
Published by: Hiding Spot, Fellow Traveller (@FellowTravellr)

Beacon Pines is awesome! Beacon Pines is a point and click adventure game with fantastic voice acting, a great soundtrack and unbelievable art. While Beacon Pines on first glance might appear to be a “childish” or “PG” game, it’s definitely much more than that. Beacon Pines tackles some heavy topics and is much darker than it seems.

The premise of Beacon Pines is that the player controls Luka, a teenager who lives in Beacon Pines with his grandmother, after his fathers death and mom’s disappearance. Luka has a best friend named Rolo that he likes to go on adventures with and when they’re not out adventuring spend time together in a treehouse in the woods reading comic books and planning more adventures.

The gameplay in Beacon Pines isn’t complex. The player controlling Luka travels throughout Beacon Pines interacting with objects, and other people living in the town and the narrative unfolds. While doing this the player will pick up “charms” which are key words that will allow them to replay certain scenarios of the story and go down a different path. The different story paths are unique enough that they are worth experiencing, and will help the player piece together the bigger over arching narrative of the game.

Beacon Pines is worth experiencing, especially if you have Xbox Game Pass.

The art style
The narrative
The voice acting

If you're not a fan of point and click adventure games this isn't a game for you.

Played on: Xbox Series X via Xbox Game Pass
Review score: 5/5

Dead Space (@deadspace)
Developed by: EA Redwood Shores (shut down now)
Published by: Electronic Arts (@EA)

Dead Space is an incredibly atmospheric, gruesome, sci-fi horror adventure game.

The player controls Isaac Clark, an engineer who is sent to fix the communications array on a mining ship known as the USG Ishimura. Things quickly go off the rails and from the moment Isaac boards the Ishimura it’s clear that something has gone terribly wrong. In classic video game story telling Isaac upon boarding the Ishimura is quickly isolated from his team. He encounters the former crew of the Ishimura who are no longer human, but monsters that the called Necromorphs. Isaac is thrown into the battle of his life as he struggles to complete his mission and survive. He improvises weapons from mining equipment and his current environment throughout his journey. Plasma welding guns, buzz saws, flamethrowers etc. Dead Space is a gruesome game. The player can target and dismember enemies bodies piece by piece targeting their legs, their arms, and even their heads. There is no shortage of blood and gore in Dead Space. If you’re squeamish this is NOT the game for you.

The story in Dead Space isn’t told through elaborate cut scenes. It’s told through audio logs and encounters with other characters throughout the Ishimura. This makes Dead Space incredibly immersive in my opinion. The player is constantly in control of Isaac, never truly being taking out of the experience to watch a dramatic, cinematic pre rendered cutscene.

It’s evident that for its time Dead Space was a revolutionary game in terms of its sound design, atmosphere and combat. Playing this game in 2022 I found aspects of the game frustrating. They are multiple times throughout Dead Space where the player is thrown into a situation where they have to do something to free themselves and the controls are definitely frustrating. They don’t really make sense and personally speaking they ruined my immersion of the game at times because I struggled to do what was required causing me to have to replay a portion of the game over and over gain. In a modern game the situation I’m talking about would most likely be a QTE instead. I’m keeping it vague for spoiler reasons! Sorry if you find that frustrating.

Dead Space overall is a great game. It’s unique, it leans into being sci fi horror and it accomplishes what it sets out to do and that’s create an incredibly dark, atmospheric, intense sci fi horror experience for the player. With the remake coming I highly recommend that people either play the original (it’s on Game Pass via EA Play) or buy the remake. Dead Space is one of the best horror games of all time.

The narrative/story
The atmosphere
The enemy design
The sound design

Out dated gameplay at times

Played on: Xbox Series X via Xbox Game Pass
Review score: 4.5/5


Scorn (@scorn_game)
Developed by: Ebb Software
Published by: Kepler Interactive (@Kepler_Interact)

Scorn is one of the most unique games that I’ve ever played. Scorn is an atmospheric first person horror adventure game that’s primary focus is puzzle solving. Visually, Scorn is incredible. It’s graphic, goring and unsettling. The game world is disgusting and immersive and the sound design and soundtrack are both incredibly well done. Unfortunately, Scorn is brought down by its horrible combat segments. The weapons aren’t fun to use and while enemies are avoidable for a large portion of the game their attacks are hard to dodge and very powerful. I almost quit Scorn a couple of times but was determined to see it through and I’m glad that I did. If you have Xbox Game Pass and like horror experiences it’s hard to not recommend Scorn. It’s definitely not a game I would purchase unless it was heavily discounted.

The visuals and game world

The combat system

Played on: Xbox Series X via Xbox Game Pass
Review score: 3/5

Coffee Talk
Developed and Published by: @togeproductions

Coffee Talk is a visual novel that was released in 2020. In Coffee Talk the player controls a barista working in a coffee shop in a fictional, fantasy version of Seattle. The player is tasked with making drinks for the shops various patrons and in doing so will learn about their lives, careers and problems. It’s an endearing and immersive game. The music, and art style are great and the entire game gives off a chill and relaxing vibe. If you’re a fan of the genre it’s hard to not recommend Coffee Talk! Check it out on Xbox Game Pass.

The art style,


Played on: Xbox Series X via Xbox Game Pass
Review score: 3.5/5

Chinatown Detective Agency
Developed by: General Interactive Co. (@genintco)
Published by: General Interactive Co. (@genintco) & Humble Games (@PlayHumbleGames)

I wanted to like this game but the atrocious save system and buggy nature of the game ruined the experience for me. It’s left me furious. I tried doing everything I could think of to unlock all of the endings and achievements but I'm either missing something incredibly dumb or the game is bugged. Maybe I’m being unfair? I don’t know. I’ve never written a review like this before. The game was great at first. Great voice acting, great pixel art and an interesting story. Unfortunately it all falls apart. I can’t recommend this game. Maybe the steam version is better?


Save system
The game is buggy

Played on: Xbox Series X via Xbox Game Pass
Review score: 1.5/5

Developed & Published by: Jumpship ( @jumpshipstudio )

Somerville is a fantastic immersive adventure game that’s brought down by its clunky controls and for completionist multiple endings. The art design, sound design and music in the game are top notch and the puzzles while somewhat challenging aren’t frustrating and they don’t contain “moon logic” to figure out. The environmental story telling is top notch. Somerville is a game that takes place during an alien invasion. It has the vibes of “War of the Worlds” and leans on sci-fi tropes but overall it executes well on what it's trying to accomplish. Personally speaking, I enjoyed the vibe and atmosphere of Somerville. I enjoyed my time with Somerville overall but I’m not sure if I’d recommend this game to anyone that doesn’t have Xbox Game Pass. The game took me roughly 2-2.5 hours to complete. As a completionist playing portions of games over and over again to experience different endings has become tired. It’s a lazy way of prolonging someones time playing a game. I understand it’s completely optional but as a completionist it’s not something I can avoid.

The art design
The sound design
Environmental sound design
The atmosphere and narrative experience

Multiple endings

Played on: Xbox Series X via Xbox Game Pass
Review score: 3.5/5

Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony
Developed & Published by: Spike Chunsoft (@SpikeChunsoft_e)

Danganronpa V3 follows the premise of Trigger Happy Havoc and Goodbye Despair. A new set of students are kidnapped and forced to take part in a killing game. Like the previous games the cast of characters is diverse and the over arching mystery is captivating and engaging. Danganronpa V3 is funny, disturbing, frustrating, inappropriate, insightful and most importantly fun to play. The narrative for me went off the rails during the last three quarters of the game and as a completionist I couldn’t be bothered to 100% this game as some of the requirements are absurd. I enjoyed my time playing Danganronpa V3. I feel like it’s the weakest game of the main trilogy. If you have Xbox Game Pass and have played Trigger Happy Havoc and Goodbye Despair I would say this game is worth playing. Just be prepared for a wild experience.

Played on: Xbox Series X via Xbox Game Pass
Review score: 3.5/5

Persona 5 Royal
Developed by: P-Studio
Published by: Atlus USA (@Atlus_West)

For years I’ve heard about how great the Persona games are and despite owning multiple consoles and handhelds I never dove in and played one until now. Persona 5 Royal on the Xbox Series X is an incredibly well put together game.

In Persona 5 the player controls a troubled teenager “Joker” shortly after being falsely accused and found guilty for a crime he didn’t commit.

The premise of the game is that via a “supernatural” ability Joker and his friends have the ability to enter the psyche of individuals and change their warped personalities.

Persona 5 explores a lot. Grief, stress, emotional and physical abuse, and more. Heavy issues are tackled but the game always remains fun to play and engaging. There are plenty of light hearted moments mixed in to give the player a break from the heaviness.

Persona 5 is a jrpg. My first run to get the “true ending” took me roughly 140 hours and I enjoyed every minute of it.

The soundtrack, visuals, and art design are brilliantly executed and the game runs smooth at 4k/60FPS.

If you have Xbox Gamepass and are a fan of jrpgs this is a must play game.

Played on: Xbox Series X via Xbox Game Pass
Review score: 5/5

Developed/Published by: Naoka Games

Rayland is a fantastic but simple puzzle game! The puzzles are difficult but not impossible to solve. The controls can be a bit finicky but they don’t take away from the overall experience. The game consists of 42 levels that can be completed pretty quickly depending on the players skill level.

Each puzzle in Rayland requires the player to redirect laser beams using mirrors to light up lamps on a map. As the player progress there will be various obstacles put in place to challenge the player such as walls or tunnels.

I’d definitely recommend Rayland to fans of puzzle games. Pick it up on sale!

Played on: Purchased Xbox Series X
Review score: 4/5

Warlock’s Tower
Developed by: Midipixel
Published by: Whippering ( @whippering )

Warlock’s Tower is a charming “retro” style puzzle game. The player controls a Postman, guiding him through obstacle filled rooms inside of a tower in order to help him deliver a letter to an “evil” wizard. The game follows a simple overarching rule, every step the player takes drains the postman of his life.

The levels are incredibly fun and get progressively more challenging. The mechanics are easy to learn but hard to master.

Warlock’s Tower is a nostalgic experience for fans of old school pixel art/8-Bit style of games. A great game that deserves more recognition.

Played on: Xbox Series X
Review Score: 4/5

Developed by: Obsidian Entertainment (@Obsidian)
Published by: Xbox Game Studios (@XboxPublishing)

Pentiment is a one of kind gem that won’t be popular and won’t be the type of game that a lot of people enjoy. Pentiment is a beautifully crafted historically accurate narrative adventure game.

Pentiment requires from the player a lot of reading. Luckily the writing is deep, thought provoking and overall incredible. The overall premise of the game is that the player controls Andreas Maler in the small town of Tassing in the 1500s. There is a great amount of political and religious turmoil going on via constant wars, and peasant revolts that will serve as a backdrop to the story going on in Pentiment. Throughout the course of the game murders will occur that will require the player to explore Tassing, talk to the various residents and determine who the culprits are. The players choice will affect the residents of Tassing and the player will be left to deal with the aftermath of their decisions.

Pentiment is visually stunning and the sound design only helps set the atmosphere and stage for the story to unfold. Fans of history and medieval Europe will find a lot to love in Pentiment.

One of the most unique games I’ve ever played, and while I enjoyed my time with it, I’m glad to be moving on and won’t be going for 100% completion.

Played on: Xbox Game Pass on Xbox Series X
Review Score: 4/5

Cronostase Electric Collection
Developed by: Cronostase
Published by: Penguin Pop Games (@PenguinPopGames)

Cronostase Electric Collection is a collection of 7 puzzle games, containing 50 levels in each, 350 levels overall. I enjoyed my time playing this game. There’s not much to say about this collection of games. They’re not incredibly challenging and 350 is kind of absurd. I enjoyed my time with Cronostase Electric Collection. Fans of puzzle games will enjoy this.

Played on: Xbox Series X
Review score: 3/5

High on Life
Developed & Published by: Squanch Games

High on Life is great! A comedic fps created by Justin Roiland, who many will know as the co-creator of Rick and Morty.

High on Life has engaging combat and an engaging traversal system that becomes much more fluid through new abilities and mechanics that are introduced throughout the game. The player is able to slide, dash, jump, and use a jet pack to hover and fly across canyons and large distances. The player will “unlock” new weapons as they progress through the story that will allow them to fight enemies and various ways, keeping the combat feeling fresh and exciting.

Visually High on Life is gorgeous. The art design is incredibly well done. Each world the player will explore as they progress through the story is well detailed, unique and a breath of fresh air.

The story isn’t complex and can feel repetitive at times but it’s good enough. The game shines through its dialogue. It is absolutely hysterical. Personally I burst out laughing multiple times.

While most of this review has been positive it’s time for the negative. This game has buggy achievements that for completionist will be an issue. This game definitely required more play testing. If you search message boards and reddit you’ll find multiple posts describing various bugs and glitches.

This game is a must play for fans of Rick and Morty. While it’s its own thing the humour and world created by Justin Roiland is definitely Rick and Morty-esque. If you have Xbox Game Pass play it!

Played on: Xbox Series X
Review score: 4/5

Flynn: Son of Crimson
Developed by: Studio Thunderhorse
Published by: Humble Games

Flynn: Son of Crimson is a solid action platformer.

In Flynn: Son of Crimson the player controls Flynn, a young boy who has a pet magical dog. Flynn like his dog has magical abilities and early on in the game he is forced to set out on an adventure to reclaim the magic that exists across his country.

The story is just a vehicle to progress and evolve the gameplay which is the best part of Flynn: Son of Crimson. The game is 2d and sprite based. In Flynn: Son of Crimson, the player explores different biomes, fights different types of enemies and collect gems that will allow them to upgrade Flynn. The player will also unlock new magical abilities as the story progresses. There are fire attacks, ice attacks, lightning attacks as well as various slash attacks that as mentioned earlier can be upgraded via gems.

Like classic games before its time, think Super Mario World, levels in Flynn have multiple exits that will either progress the story or lead to “challenge” levels where the player will be locked into an arena and be forced to face waves of enemies.

The 2D animations, art design and soundtrack are all great. If feels like you’re playing an “old school” 8-16 bit game but the game doesn’t feel dated.

Overall I enjoyed my time with Flynn: Son of Crimson. The controls could be a bit tighter when it comes to the combat but overall it felt very satisfying and rewarding to clear a level or beat one of the games many bosses.

I’d definitely recommend this game to fans of challenging 2d action platformers. This game can be unforgiving at times but it’s worth it at the end of the day. Pick it up on a sale :)

Played on: Xbox Series X
Review score: 3.5/5

Children of Silentown
Developed by: Elf Games, Luna2 Studio (@elfgamesworks)
Published by: Daedalic Entertainment (@daedalic)

Let me say right off the bat the developers of Children of Silentown DO NOT respect their players time.

SPOILERS: There are 4 different endings and each ending requires a full play through. Reloadable checkpoints or manual saves DO NOT exist in this game. Unless you find a way to create a back up save file on PC you’re going to be screwed if you want to 100% Children of Silentown or expected to be able to.

Now the review.

In Children of Silentown the player controls a 12 year old girl named Lucy who lives in a small town with her parents. Lucy suffers from nightmares, and lives under constant fear of being kidnapped by monsters, as well as the other people in her town. Monsters are believed to live in the forest that borders the town, constantly watching them, waiting for an opportunity to strike. The people of Silentown live under strict rules. They are discouraged from going out at night, singing is looked down upon and loud voices are forbidden.

Children of Silentown is a point and click adventure game at heart. It’s simple and easy to understand, The game play loop consists of the player guiding Lucy throughout the town, clicking on objects, or people to interact with them. The player will be tasked to solve puzzles that are unlocked my playing songs in front of objects, and people as previously pointed out. New songs are required by unlocking all notes in the song.

Visually, Children of Silentown is fantastic. The hand drawn characters, environments and cutscenes are unsettling and create the sinister atmosphere that the game is aiming for. The sound design is weak but overall the presentation is engaging and incredibly atmospheric.

Overall, I was enjoying my time with Children of Silentown. I really thought that game was something special until I reached the end and discovered the 4 different endings and everything I discussed at the top of the review.

If what I described is not an issue for you and you’re a fan of point and click adventure games, this game is a game that you should definitely check out. Personally, by the time I unlocked all the endings and achievements I was definitely glad to be done with this game and it left a sour taste in my mouth. What could have been an incredible experience was ruined by poor game design decisions by either the developers or publisher of this game.

Played on: Xbox Series X
Review score: 4/5 (this game would have scored higher if not for the multiple endings issue)