the game where people really start worshipping Kojima. Understandable tbh

don't feel like much of a hero tbh

so good. So much attention to detail with every little thing. Paced super well. Diving out of cover and shooting a bunch of dudes literally cannot ever get old, it's so satisfying. And the music is sick too. Piano is hard as fuck in chapter 4, that one part near the end in the airport had some banging music as well. I love this game so much

fucking awesome. Stupid in all the best ways, hard but not too frustrating, and short. I love short games.

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played way better than the first 2, but hugely disappointing in every other way. It's not "an original take on venom" as the back of the box says, its the same black suit story, just with a different name under the symbiote. Miles does jack shit in this game. He's not underused in the same way, but he really doesn't make much of a difference. There are some cool bits, but man I really wish the last couple hours got a little more room to breathe. Had fun with it though

very epic and cool and based

very epic and based and awesome.