A charming and touching love story. Cruel, violent but beautiful.

Wanna love this game ... But what a shame.

The first step into the Remedy universe and everything was already there, 9 years before Control, and yet everything is coherent. No shitty bridge as in the MCU or another piece of american crap.

Hints of this future universe are scattered everywhere, with meaning.

There are very few big-budget Western games where every detail makes sense. In Alan Wake, everything makes sense, right down to the end credits. What more could you ask from art ?

Scam of the decade.

A complete waste of time, nothing to gain from it, not even a little bit of pleasure.
Night City is a dead city, nothing aesthetically interesting, nothing interesting to do there. The gamefeel of the shooting isn't good and calling it a RPG is a joke.

I have rarely seen a game so full of humanity, mixing a lot of contemporary themes with so much accuracy.
Anyone who is a bit introspective should play it.

A great "brochette fromage", smells like japanese games but at the end it's just an ersatz. The form is here but there is no substance.
The OST doesn't highlight the emotional moments, the gameplay has a good basis but becomes too frustrating over time.

The standard ending is also too quickly dispatched, and for have the true ending we need too find ALL collectibles.
Please devs don't do that.

One of the best Spider-Man games with the legendary Spider-Man 2 on PS2.

The first 15 minutes were mind blowing with the URSS fantasized, but the rest is unbearably mediocre.

Who knew mankind could conceive such a masterpiece?

Great JRPG to do with the Pixel remaster and a few mods like restore the original difficulty, x2 speed and UI mods.
The OST is totally INSANE.
Very more interesting than Dragon Quest 1.