812 Reviews liked by EmanuelPerez

Lego starwars is a game with good humour.

Good things:
- Story
- Humour
- Mechanics
- Its easy
- Big world
- Graphics
- Quicktime events

Bad things:
- A LOT of collection items
- Camera
- Menu

The story is obviously based on the canon franchise, but it adds some small funny changes.
If you are „diehard” Starwars fan tho, i can assure you that the story isnt changed to the point it would be against the films.
Speakin of funny changes, i meant the humour that is added.
I understand that for some people it can be childish (even tho you should expect that because its literally a game for children), either way i personally enjoyed it.

By mechanics in this game, i mean stuff like building.
Even tho some people say the lego building isnt used in the full potential, as it was used in the previous lego games.
Yes you build less, but i dont think it really messes up the game.
You can either build already destroyed buldings or rebuild them.
Sometimes you need to destroy certain buildings to rebuild them as a different “thing” to progress trough the level.
There are also some parkour mechanics, but i dont think they are worth talking about because they are very primitive.
At the end, we have vehicle mechanics.
Flying mechanics are kinda fun, and not hard to pick up, however i cant say the same thing for ground based vehicles.
They are as primitive as parkour in this game.
Fortunatelly, they dont really play a big role in this game, so its forgivable.

Big world:
To be honest, i kinda enjoyed exploring the world.
Thanks to the graphics its beautiful.
Thanks to the side content and collectables, theres motivation to come back after you complete the story.
The world functions on traveling between planets, which i think is a good idea.
However, there are a lot of planets which i think they dont really fit based on elaboration.
They just feel empty, and few of them are really small.

Quicktime events:
Another aspect, which i think is good are quicktime events.
Some poeole like them, some poeple dont.
However i do so yeah…
If you by a chance dont like them tho, there is a lot of them trought out the main story.
So i guess suit yourself, but i gotta mention they arent hard at all.

A LOT of collection items:
If you are one of those poeple, who complete every achivment on a game they play, you are not gonna like this.

The only reason why i put camera there is, because it always lock on the boss in boss fights with no option to unlock it.
Which is very annoying.

This aspect is also kinda small, but its still worth mentioning.
Menu in this game feels kinda unclear and overall i feel like its “chaotic” a bit.

Overall its a great game that is worth trying out if you are lego or starwars fan.
However if you are fan of both, its kinda a no brainer, especially when its on sale.


(Copied from my steam review)

A nostalgic anthology of "mini" games brimming with ambition for its time. The visuals and music are phenomenal~

The story concepts for each protagonist are varied and engaging even if they pretty much play out exactly how you'd expect... until you get to the "locked" route that blows those expectations out of the water, heh. I liked some characters/routes (Imperial China, Edo Japan, Near Future & Middles Ages) much more than others (Prehistory, Wild West & Present), but they all have their moments and come together to form a neat package .w.

The battle system is on the simple side, but it's pretty fun and does the job. I wouldn't say it's a particularly challenging game, but I generally don't look for challenge when I play so I was personally fine with that, lol. Some of the attacks were really nicely animated too :O

I enjoyed the final chapter after the locked route quite a bit though I admit it did kind of drag and become too repetitive after awhile. There's a whole lot of backtracking and kinda same-y maze-like dungeons that don't feel different enough from one another to maintain a high level of interest. Plus, maybe I'm too accustomed to modern game conveniences, but not being able to easily swap characters in and out of your party was a pain xwx I haven't actually finished all endings at the time of this "review" because I need a break from it for a bit, lol, but I do look forward to completing the rest of it in the future~

All that said and despite my grievances, I found this to be an enjoyable ride from start to finish and I'm glad I picked it up.

Challenging racer, great visual, nailed the retro racing feel

Mario kart b it you can drive a boat and fly which was good also had wreck it Ralph and Danica Patrick

there's something enjoyable about a game that lasts just up to 2 hours and gives you a sense of having completed something truly good, perfect for a Sunday afternoon.

playing tko with 8 friends is an incomparable experience

really fun katamari game but the controls r shit b/c of the psp

We remember actually getting pretty far in an emulator (on a modded Wii. Don't ask.) but we never beat it. Maybe we should change that.

Oscar is my sleep paralysis demon.

As far as Yoshi games go, it really does not get better than this. The game is nothing but charming from beginning to end. Graphically this is one of the best you'll get on the Super Famicom. The soundtrack is also top notch with absolutely no duds at all.

The gameplay of this holds up better than most 2D Mario games do. The game starts off simple but then towards the end the game really does not pull its punches, and I love it for that. While I wouldn't go as far as to say it's ball bustingly hard, the game does get pretty difficult, and I'd go as far as to say it's probably one of THE hardest Mario games out there, which honestly still isn't saying much.

Yoshi controls just like you'd want him to and the flutter jump has a lot more depth than you may see, and it really adds a challenging way of getting around certain levels.

I really cannot overstate how much I adore this game. I think the two biggest gripes I have with it is that sometimes readability is not there, especially when the game REALLY likes to show off its fancy effects, and that the game isn't really one I can sit through for more than a few levels before needing to take a break, especially in the early levels. Either way, this is still one of the best 2D Platformers out there IMO.

I played this one a lot as a kid but I never got around to beating it until today.

It's really impressive what this game accomplishes on hardware like the Famicom. It's by far the best looking game on the system and it's not even close. I've always loved how expressive & colorful the game looks despite the limitations, and it's very charming. I've never been fond of the way Nightmare in Dream Land looked so I've always stuck to this one.

The copy abilities are a huge step up and add a ton of variety to the levels. I'm not super familiar with kirby games after 64 so idk if this is a recurring issue but I do feel like some levels do not mesh well with certain copy abilities, such as Wheelie. There's times you CAN get wheelie in a level but it usually does not end well in said level. The game also really likes to give you limited use copy abilities like Mic or Crash. Losing your copy abilities after a single hit is very annoying too. I got the most use out of Ice, Freeze, Cutter, and Sword, and the rest I kinda just used when I was able to get them. Some like Spark or Fire are situationally good, and some like Parasol and Sleep are just bad. I DO really love how each copy ability has their own little graphic on the hud and it's a shame kirby games after it omit this little detail, I think it's very cute.

Since this is a beefy game, that means it'll ask a lot more out of the system, and it can get ungodly slow at times. If you're playing the 3D Classics version on 3DS This is not an issue, and overclocking the game on Mesen made the game way more fast paced without harming anything about the game, but it's still a genuine issue either way.

The game is also pretty easy, but some technical mechanics add some sort of artificial difficulty in my opinion, like losing your copy ability after getting hit once, and also enemies stunlocking you sometimes can be really annoying, and probably MY biggest issue with the game is how sloppy Kirby feels to control sometimes. Sometimes it feels like I have to REALLY push the direction I want to go for Kirby to actually move, especially if I want him to run. The final boss was also kind of hard for me to figure out what you're actually supposed to do, and it took me a couple of tries to actually beat him. Other than that, bosses were pretty easy for the most part. Besides one or two instances, the game plays fairly.

I'm not super familiar with the entire kirby series, but Adventure was always one of my favorites and it still is. It holds up very well, and is probably one of the best games you could play on the system. It's a very fun game to play on the NES/Famicom, but the 3D Classics version (whether you bought it on the eShop or used alternative methods) or overclocking on an emulator like Mesen is 100% the way to go when playing this game.

It's not better than Marvel vs. Capcom but holy shit dude

The smartest game about idiots ever made. it's perfect.