What a fucking game. Kiryu and Majima are amazing as the main characters. The story had me super invested and they had a lot to do with it. Gameplay is solid and really fun. Love how it goes from super serious to hilarious.

Best Monster Hunter game so far. I'm addicted to it. I can't wait for DLC.

Rikiya (and the rest of the Ryudo Family) and the Orphanage are the best things about the game. It's a good story but it's definitely the weakest Yakuza simply because of the combat.

Best Yakuza since Yakuza 0. (So far) Gameplay is really fun and addicting. The story goes insane in the end but that's what I love about Yakuza. Loved the relationship between Kiryu and Sayama. Also, Ryuji Goda is a top-tier villain.

Great ass game. As good as it gets for an open-world game. Everything has been improved from the first game.

I really loved my time with this game. The gameplay is good but the real reason why I loved it was the cult aspect. I spent so much time managing it. Great combination of both types of gameplay. Not to mention how beautiful the game's aesthetic is. It's a fairly easy game but I don't think that's a bad thing. Not every game needs to be hard. It's simple and enjoyable.

What an incredible game. 10/10 Characters, story, and gameplay. Persona 5 definitely improved the dungeons but this still was great for its time. You know a game is good when you feel sad after finishing it.

(Since my last review got removed)

I fully expected this game to suck since the creators have not done anything worthwhile but by god, they actually pulled it off. This is a legit a great open-world RPG. The graphics are fantastic and the combat is actually really fun and complex. I've been wanting a good triple A Harry Potter for a long time so I'm happy to say that it's finally here and it's terrific. I will say this though it does have its issues. It suffers from problems that most open-world games have and the story is fairly standard. But even with those problems the world and gameplay kept me satisfied. I hope the next game is even better. I feel like it has the potential to be a 10/10 game.

This game is fun as hell. Another great soul-like action RPG from Team Ninja. The story is forgettable but let's be real we aren't here for that. The gameplay is where it's at. Gameplay feels like a perfect mix of Nioh and Sekiro. The deflecting is challenging at first but once you master it feels fantastic. On top of all that, the multiplayer is solid. Played with some friends and it was a blast. Nioh 2 is still Team Ninja's magnum opus but this is still another great game from them. The only reason I can't rate this higher is that it lacks enemy variety. Wish it had more enemie types but I'm positive if they solve this issue and maybe make a more interesting story for the sequel it can be as good as Nioh 2.

After dedicating 70 hours to this game, I can genuinely say it's the most fun I've had in any Diablo game to date. I've played Diablo 2 and Diablo 3, and while they were good in their own right, this game manages to capture the best aspects of both and improve upon them. I appreciate the fact that this game went back to its darker roots over the cartoony style it had in Diablo 3. The biggest change was the open world and I think it's really well done. Felt like a natural transition. The amount of content packed into this game is incredible. Exploring the map, doing PVP, side quests, grinding levels, beating the campaign, and now doing endgame stuff makes this worth the money.

Some folks have mentioned that the endgame might be lacking, but I've recently reached that stage, and honestly, I don't entirely agree. There's still plenty to keep you engaged once you finish the campaign. Would I have preferred more content at the endgame? Sure but there are already 100 hours of content ready to go. Plus you know they will be adding more content in future seasons.

After waiting a decade for this, I'm happy to say that it was everything I wanted it to be. This game felt more like Pikmin 2, which is great because it's my favorite game of all time. The gameplay, graphics, and level design are at their best. This is the most jam-packed, content-filled game so far. Pikmin holds near and dear to my heart, so I'm thrilled to see it continue to thrive and evolve. It's the perfect mix of all previous Pikmin games. Now I hope it doesn't take a decade for another game to come out.

This is undoubtedly my favorite asymmetrical horror multiplayer game. While I had a good time with Friday the 13th, I feel like they've finally hit their stride and created something really good. The gameplay had me hooked, and I couldn't stop playing. This is especially enjoyable with friends. With that said, I do hope they add more content over time and maybe include different cutscenes for each of the game's endings.

I'm not going to lie; I wasn't anticipating this game at all. Somehow, it came out of nowhere and has become my favorite game of the year. This game blew me away. I felt a deep connection with the characters and the narrative. There are so many great characters that I couldn't decide which one to romance. Laezel, Astarion, Karlach, and Shadowheart were my favorites, each with their own compelling stories woven into the main narrative.

I invested over 180 hours into this game, and even by the end, I wanted more. The three Acts that this game offers felt like almost a trilogy of games in terms of the sheer amount of content packed into each act. I was genuinely impressed with the scale, depth, and freedom this game gave you.

On top of all that, there's multiplayer, and I've been having a blast playing with friends. It's a whole other experience to have.

This is going to be an unpopular opinion. Yes, this game has a crap campaign but the multiplayer is solid. The combination of these great maps and the MW gameplay makes for a good time. If you want more COD with good maps then this is it.

Creative, stylish, and extremely fun. Peak Mario level design and music. My main gripes were that I wish it was longer and we had more bosses. I think it's time to get a new villain to freshen up that area of the game. If it wasn't for that this could have been a 10/10 game. Everything else is fantastic.