0/10 game

but a 9/10 cause it has akane owari in it, and the best cast of the series by far

Probably the only good one

best atmosphere for sure honestly

still sucks

Both great and dated but still magical and great soundtrack

pretty alr game got like 200 hours

Squares my beloved

shoutouts to sonic for being in this game


Step 1: get a wand
Step 2: mix and match spells like they are legos
Step 3: become god
Step 4: die to lava

N o i t a

surprisingly accurate character moments

editor kinda ok why can't i change the height

I mean what the fuck i gotta say it's PORTAL 2 WHY HAVEN'T YOU PLAYED IT

Close to perfect but this game still fucks

I loved the part where they have gay robot sex and then gabriel said

"Machine! i'm ultracumming!"