Bastion lacked from a gameplay perspective and also the art direction was mid. This game did what Bastion didn't. I loved experimenting with all the mechanics that Transistor had to offer.

Great remastered and the game is still incredible after all these years.

Metal Gear Solid 1 is basically Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake in 3D with a lot of new cool stuff and this says a lot about Metal Gear 2. This game (and its predecessor) aged well. The boss fights are still cool (I can't say the same thing for Metal Gear 1) and I loved the upgrade of the codec.

I've never seen a card game breakable like this one. I played three run and I won each of them, but I dunno if I earned the win in two of them. I killed Abaddon (one of the final bosses) two times just with the bad and stupid mechanic of redrawing. Who cares if my deck is full of shit? I can just redraw my free 8 damage card and win the game. I won two runs just with one card. Marvel's Midnight Suns for example allows you to redraw only one card two times per turn, in this game you can do with all your hand every time you want.

This game is simply wonderful. I loved almost every level. I loved all the new power-ups. The difficulty is extremely easy except for the secret endgame level.

Unironically masterclass in game design. Try it on Switch if you can.

I think that Nintendo can't do better than this with MK franchise.

I think The Messenger could be way better. The game lacks in many aspects.
First of all some controls are not bad, neither good: if the platforming needs 3 buttons why the hell they are set in A/Y/B (Nintendo Switch)?! The L button is not for grapple but for the map and that does not make any sense.
I understand that in a game like this the narrative is not important, but that doesn't mean you should try to be funny in each line. This type of writing gets boring pretty early.
Finally I had a huge problem with some checkpoints and with backtracking. The former is the fact that many times the game is boring because you need to do pretty easy rooms just for one hard room (this becomes exhausting with some power seal rooms); the latter is that there is no fast travel, the teleports are not enough to justify that.
Other than that it's a good game: the boss fights are good, the music is fine and I loved the two graphics (especially from a narrative perspective, that was pretty cool).

It's an interesting concept, but the game isn't that good.

Brilliant stealth with a lot of cool mechanics. The AI of the enemies is pretty bad however.
P.S. Aiko queen.

Shadow Gambit has a big issue. You can play the missions with all the crew members and that means that levels are not optimized for specific characters. It's a huge step back from the other Mimimi games. Another issue is the fact that some members are broken (i.e. Suleidy) and others are pretty average (i.e. Quentin). However I think that Shadow Gambit is the most funny experience of Mimimi.
P.S. Great DLCs, even if Zagan and Yuki are OP.

Tribunal is pretty bad. First of all, I don't understand why in a DLC like this you should put insanely boring fetch quests. Second: in terms of roleplay this DLC is bad designed. Last: I think that the dungeons are boring. However nice plot and it's a good complementary experience to the main game.