movement in this game is absolutely perfect, level desing is really good, missions are fun, the comedy is good, bosses are great, i just wish it was more polished because i encountered some visual bugs and had a few issues here and there, but i think it probably only affects the ps4 version, also the difficulty is pretty easy but not too much as it doesn't hurt the experience that much.

my favourite soulslike, i dind't finish it 11 times for no reason, the combat in this game is almost perfect, bosses are the best part of the game and those alone are enough to play this game multiple times, really good area desings (for the most part, if you played ds3 you know what i am talking about), weapon variety is good.
idk why ds3 is hated by some, the linearity of this game is actually good when you think about it, because the developers carefully created the most balanced progression out of it, no boss seems out of place because it's "too strong" or "to weak" and where the non interconnected world lacks the area desing fills the gaps really well.
also dodge spamming is only an issue in pvp, but even then if you just spam roll at the end of the day it's true that you took no damage, but you didn't deal it either.
but one thing i agree is that pve speaking magic sucked and should've been a lot better.
the best part of soulslikes shines in ds3, and that is self growth, i started as a complete inexperienced idiot who couldn't even defeat the easiest of challenges, and now i'm able to finish this game under 5 hours.
in my opinion, ds3 is the best soulslike along with bloodborne and sekiro.

i give two stars to dark souls 2, why? this game is:
clunky and slow combat
adaptability exsists and rolling is a glorified lucky wheel spin
weapons break by just thinking of using them
so many pain inducing or straight up disgustingly awful bossses
2 years pass far more quickly than drinking an estus flask
like all the game you want i 100% respect your opinion but my god did i have a bad time with this game

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i convinced a bloodthirsty general to not attack me with the power of talking, there is roman empire wannabe faction, there is a funny cowboy robot, there is a female companion that punches giant killing machines lizards and last but not least a wide variety of drugs to use, easily the best fallout game

a really good game, has some of the best bosses in all soulslike games (and some of the worst unfornunately), combat while being slowpaced and strategic feels slightly smooth and impactfull and level desing is kinda good.

played because i'm a massive metal gear fan, now it's one of my favourite games of all time, why? this game does everything i hate in the best way possible:
i hate metal music, soundtrack is fire
i hate ultra edgy games, i love the absolute edgyness of this game
i hate when games completely shift tone and gameplay in just one game, i literally need a mgs 3 snake eater dating simulator with sokolov right now

the best platformer i've ever played and one of my favourite games of all time, and i suck big time when it comes to platformers, so that explains a lot

my first zelda game, maybe i'm too filled with nostalgia, but i think it's one of the best zelda games out there

a masterpiece, i first finished it in 220 hours, almost all of those hours were fun and exciting, not only that, the game has multiple playstyles allowing a gameplay cycle in wich you choose what suits you best.
This is the definition of my ideal perfect game, and while not being perfect by itself, it definetevely became my favourite game i've ever played