Played this first as a kid at my cousin's house and was blown away at how hilarious and creative it was. Such a gem

Was looking for Fire Emblem Fates Conquest and reminded of this game's existence. Such a black sheep among the Pokemon series but I had such a blast with it as a kid. The gameplay loop is simple but engaging, and it feels really good to progress in this game. Definitely not underrated, but underappreciated for sure.

This game is fun as hell but the story is a phenomenal clusterfuck. Same goes for its sibling games. Character design and soundtrack goes hard tho. Will always vouch for Matt Mercer Lobster Lord

I love spinoff games that allow you to play as NPCs from other games in the franchise; especially a franchise like Zelda with sooooo many interesting characters. The fanservice in this game is off the charts, but the gameplay can get stale. Still, it's great for what it is, and I'm glad it exists.

Very tragic game. Has an amazing skeleton but was weighed down by crazy greed. Half the interesting stuff was locked behind expensive DLC, and the sequel is far superior in every way

Really cool purely for the fanservice, also dig the art style. Gameplay can be a huge miss for me though

This game is hot ass, mostly for the wasted potential. I'm sick of half baked 3D anime arena fighters. The art direction is an assault on the eyes, and the story mode is laughable, with combat being way too simple. I feel like if you were going for a universal art style it would not hurt to lean more into a cell shading type style.

An incredibly solid 2D platformer

People take Fortnite discourse way too seriously. Like in what other game can you (Satoru Gojo) use your ODM gear to grapple to a high point and headshot Peter Griffin with a sniper rifle then griddy like tf

It's so fucking funny to hurdle your friends into a pit

When you trace everything back I blame this game for my hyperfixation with the Persona franchise

Sue me but I think this game kicks ass. I had such a blast with it once that whole loot box controversey blew up in their faces.

I remember how hype everyone was when this came out. Finally they're making a Complete Saga with the sequel trilogy. Got a few episodes in and everything just felt really samey, like frustratingly so.