687 Reviews liked by FMTownsParty

All that needs to be said about this game is that the most memorable thing about it is a YouTube video where the main character glitches into screaming his son's name over and over again, turning what should be the crux of the game into camp. Miserably self-serious.

Cannot deny the pure optimism of this game.

However I wish some of the worlds were more creative - New Donk City especially - I feel like the art direction could have been so much more wild. And the game never challenges you until the very end - and even then its in the "secret worlds". The Hat mechanic is so much fun to play and experiment with but I just wish the game tested me more.

The aesthetics and general ambience are absolutely inspired here. A true feast for the senses. Also really enjoyed Jesse as a protagonist. She has a ton of personality/charm. Unfortunately, I'm not so sure about the rest.

The combat here doesn't feel too far off from what Quantum Break was working with. It's much more fluid this time around which goes a long way but the performance gets in the way. The game really struggled on my PS4 Pro and with combat being so hectic and often difficult it got to be a lot after a bit. The checkpoint system didn't help things, some difficulty settings or just general options could've been nice.

As it is, I feel the same way as I have with previous Remedy titles I've played. Okay to good but not great gameplay with some missteps. The surroundings were otherwise so nice here that I'm able to look past it a bit more than usual. This could've really been a big time favorite if the game felt as good to play as it otherwise did to consume.

If you let Tumblr fandoms ruin a game for you, you need to grow up.

coming out to your parents as "indie"

Tough to recommend, but you'll know if this is your kinda shit by watching some gameplay. Super Cloudbuilt hands you a toolset that empowers and humbles you with alternating current, which probably has niche appeal.

I haven't played a game that enables this much speed and control since Thumper, and that's no mean feat. It's worth a look if you're a fan of responsive movement with immense mechanical depth.

no sir, i don't have a retirement fund, but i DO own two copies of this game. so it all balances out

Next time I teach a writing class I'm going to use this as an example of why it's important to hire an editor.

It's clearly stitched together from a large team working independently of each other. Which isn't necessarily bad. Unfortunately the writing is weak, especially in the common route, and the protagonist is hard to sympathize with. He views women as puzzles to be solved and takes an overly logical approach to every relationship. Hisao follows Neil Degrasse Tyson on Twitter, I bet. That said there are some neat moments in the relationship stuff and a lot of other little things I wish more visual novels would pick up on.

I will cut myself off here before I launch into an essay about its origins on 4chan with regard to both the roommate character and the questionably Japanese setting. If someone else wants to write that essay, I will gladly read it.

still the best persona game with characters who have arcs that change regardless of the protagonist's actions and actually have their own lives. i'll always prefer the juggling of social links with tartarus compared to the mutually exclusive "do dungeons OR socialize but not both" of persona 4.

Boring dungeons, generic story. The ending made me roll my eyes because of how cliche it was. I liked the social links, I liked that the dungeons were a bit better than Tartarus, but overall, I found myself really bored unless I was doing a social link. The story was fun until I got to the end where a lot of it started to just fall apart to me personally. I find this difficult to replay because of how dull the dungeons are.

would probably be a 3.0/5.0 for me if the story wasn't absolutely atrocious when it came to lgbt issues. fuck yosuke, i would use wishes from a genie to make him real just so i could strangle him to death. even if you ignore the horrid attempts at commentary on society, the gameplay is a huge step down from P3 and gives you less self-expression in both your time management and weapon choice. hard pass.

an incredibly intimate horror game about recollecting the pieces of a history and tragedy. does fascinating things with space, multiple moments that had me pause and just admire what it had just done. really reminiscent of Silent Hill 2 and What Remains of Edith Finch—just wish more people could play it.

The existence of this game is baffling to me. Blair Witch is an odd license to use for anything at this point let alone a video game. The last film was from a few years back and it didn't exactly excel from a critical or commercial standpoint, before that it's been an even longer period since the second film and the first attempts at a Blair Witch game (a trilogy of PC games). Add in the fact that the license itself feels like a bit of an afterthought here (this feels like it could be any first person horror title with Blair Witch elements thrown in at the last second) and it's an odd experience. Having said that, I was pretty excited for this game as a fan of the first two films and the general concept behind the series.

What we ended up with is pretty standard first person horror fare. My biggest issues came from the disastrous performance and glitchiness of the game. The game was in a choppy state at nearly all times which hurt not only the fun factor but also the general mood and atmosphere. Add in glitches like Bullet (our trusty canine companion) flat out disappearing to not be found again, getting softlocked by picking up an item until quitting and reloading, and wonky enemy behavior among other things for a pretty rough experience.

It wasn't all bad, thankfully. The atmosphere at times is pretty great. I'm a pretty seasoned horror veteran but walking through the woods in the dark was definitely spooky at times and it captured the feeling of what doing the same in real life would be like. I'd also like to praise the last chapter or so which is where the Blair Witch feeling was well and truly nailed. If the whole game was on that level this could've been a favorite of mine even with the performance troubles.

Overall this was a bit disappointing for sure. I'd recommend it for big fans of the license or fans of first person horror under the condition of them going in with well adjusted expectations. I played through this over a few days on Game Pass and that's how I'd suggest those who are curious do as well.

all i'm saying is: he has shoes.... like a horse, he has a saddle....like a horse, he has a cloaca...like a horse, he eats apples... like a horse