The definitive Sonic 3 experience.

Sega, pay Michael Jackson's ghost the money, hire Eukaryot and make this on every console available.

A fine enough puzzle game with fun writing and great character designs. Has really high potential if the creator ever goes for it.

Great excuse to sell your pancake recipe with a game add-on.

Also, Lucifer is the best one.

Base game's alright. Mods make it pretty good.

A little known superhero gets a supremely powerful video game.

Shizune was supposed to be the best girl with the best route, dammit.

Look, shelve for a moment what origins it had and the preconceptions that arises from that.
Katawa Shoujo is a very sweet and pleasant game that treats its subject matter with much more respect than you'd initially expect, and it's clear that a lot of love went into it. It's a novice work from many hands and it has a lot of messiness from that, sure. One look from its history will certainly attest to that.
However, it's that messy love that makes the entire game worth partaking. You go in expecting a horrible game with low-brow humor, but get punched in the gut by the girls and their backstories. The writers successfully made each character feel "real" to you.

For many, this was their first entry into visual novels as a genre. For me, this was my first conventional one and I'm glad for it. It's messy, and the multiple writers certainly makes each route stand out in its variance of quality, but I have never doubted each writer's love for the characters they were writing for or the overall experience they were trying to make. The messiness adds to its charm, which charmed many. I don't regret my time with it at all.
Even if Shizune was fucking ROBBED of her place as best girl.

Ah, well, at least Lilly's right over there. Stabbing me in the heart.

Red-sailed boat goes zooooooooooooom.

Love these characters a lot.

Michael Mouse Microwave Scene made me go "YEAH, GO, YOU RAT. BE THE KING". Waiting to play the harder difficulties on PS5 because I am impatient like a child.

(Half a star less than perfect only because I assume that P5 Royal would have that set.)

Makoto's swell.

The game's really good, too.

Buy Jill's Game.

For a game that is set in a dystopian cyberpunk megacity during the wintertime, it's very...warm. Very "comfy", as the kids say. The characters all feel real, with real trials in their life that they divulge after getting some alcohol in them. All told through the lens of one of my favorite main characters in gaming, with her own troubles that can be heartbreaking, and sometimes all-too-familiar.

Missile is a good boy. Please buy his game and enjoy one of Shu Takumi's greatest achievements.

I mean, it's Undertale. What can I say that hasn't been said?

Anyway, Battle Against a True Hero > Megalovania. Don't eat the snowball in front of the snowman at the end of the game, you psychopath.

Just carry like 50 spears and 40 bows with 300 arrows and you'll be set.

Easily my favorite setting for a Zelda game. Extremely rewarding in its freedom with its systems.