Much better than it has any right to be. Genuinely engaging, sometimes silly, there's a lot of heart in this game.

Not quite the hit of opium you hope it is.

You want it to be a fun destruction sandbox but the campaign missions are too linear and they put time limits on you sometimes and it's like, well, I just want to fuck around with the physics and enjoy the catharsis of destruction and now you're creating stress by adding a timer.

You changed, GTA. You changed.

more like duke nuke"d the series out of existence forever"m forever

honestly i quite like this game but maybe that's because i'm a stupid idiot with brain worms. i'm just saying it's possible

a sequel to the greatest fighting game ever made, and it lives up to everything its predecessor was

I played crackdown way back when on my xbox 360, and guess what? I didn't play it to get into the halo 3 beta, so all you fucking little virgins, little ass, fuckin, NOT REAL CRACKDOWN FANS, ok, you can all buzz off. This review is for REAL Crackdown 1 fans only!!!

In Crackdown 1 you play as a cop. This means you can shoot pedestrians, run over criminals without reading them their rights, and scale buildings at incredible speeds to collect green orbs. That last bit is the best part of the game. It's a scathing critique of police work in general - collecting the green orbs is comparably enjoyable to shooting up heroin, but the only way you the Player can collect the green heroin orbs is by playing as a cop. The more you play, the more your cop's power grows, and the more green orbs you require to level up your jumping skill (get high). It's a viscous cycle that reflects our own reality - as the player's need for brain chemical releases grows, so too does the power of the police. This leaves us with a rather dystopian world, a place where freedom has been crushed under the totalitarian boot of the Cop, where pleasure is only given to those who help grow the Cop Machine.

The shooting in this game is also kind of weird, like I get why they had a lock on system but it never felt very good.

i would like this game more but i'm a massive pussy and also i get motion sick

In Donut County you control a raccoon that was given god like powers. You do raccoon things with your god powers.

I really liked raccoons before playing Donut County. Now? I fucking love them. Post your favorite raccoon pictures below (NO sad raccoons)


dang this game is freakin beautiful. -.5 star because it reminds me of my ex wife

Would have a higher score if it ripped off CT instead of RI.