Story is great, dungeons are amazing, but outside of those areas the game is really slow and the motion controls are finicky. Gets to much hate IMO

The game is damn good but the PC port is one of the worst I've ever seen

Revolutionary for web-slinging, but the rest of the game hasn't aged the best.

Pretty cool game. I wish more comic based games went with less realistic art style, they do a great job bringing Mark Bagley's art to life here. Also you can free roam as Venom

Dollar store arkham with a Spider-man skin. Also why are spider-man games obsessed with city wide plagues

This is the best expansion that's ever been made.
The new story and lore additions are amazing.
3 of the 5 bosses are all time greats easily.
The level design is extremely tight with plenty of secrets and new horrific locations to find.
It has some of the coolest weapons in the game.
The music is incredible.
The complete package. A perfect DLC. The game was already a masterpiece but this elevates it to a whole new level. Please play it.

Gameplay is janky as hell and not very fun personally but the atmosphere and story is some of the best the series has to offer.

Started the tradition of Fromsoft DLC being the best part of the game

better main story than the base game, but i prefer parkour to driving

Really fun seeing these characters in something that came out before the spider-verse was a mainstream concept. Love how differently the 4 spider-men play and there are some really cool original takes on classic villains.

Unfortunately there are a few flaws with the game, namely the extreme jank. Each button has multiple actions depending on a few conditions. The right trigger is both web-zip and web swing which, combined with the extremely awkward targeting makes movement a chore. The circle button is the grab button, but depending on which object/enemy the game decides you are locked onto combined with the distance changes function between the environmental object throw, a close up enemy grab, or the web strike and its not always clear which. The game is also pretty buggy in my experience, especially the goblin level. After playing this I have a new respect for the insomniac games' controls and how the game almost always responds exactly how you would expect it to, because it clearly is not easy to pull off.

A game that chose to lean on open world traversal and combat with sluggish open world traversal and monotonous, slow combat. Painfully obvious this was supposed to be a live service game that shifted course at the last minute.

The peak of ubisoft style open world gameplay with an incredibly beautiful world to explore and a solid story.


I'm disappointed this game didn't click with me like it has with the general populace. Combat just felt really repetitive as I played more and more runs with not enough variation in rooms and enemies to keep me hooked.

Upon playing the game for a second time I appreciated this game much more. The second half is still a bit of a slog with some blatantly unfinished areas but the first half is near-flawless and the dlc is also amazing.