a great introduction to BJ Blazkowicz. Story feels like an Indiana Jones movie (a great thing, given this studio's next project).

a somewhat disappointing follow-up. however these developers have proven their commitment to making the game better, already adding many fan requested features since the game launched. I have hope it can eventually live up to the original.

only real flaw is the technical state

one of the best zombie games ever made

some of the best combat ever crafted

My favourite Star Wars game. Has a few issues (lack of meaningful side content being the main) but Survivor looks like it will remedy those issues

this game is too important to my development as a person to rate any lower

best of the classic zelda format. great story, cool dungeons and boss fights

first game but better in almost every way

story isn't as strong as the first game, but it's still great and it plays a lot better


zombies is 5 stars, local multiplayer has brought me many fond memories with friends and family, campaign is ass

Soundtrack so good it permanently altered my music taste. ive heard complaints about difficulty but to me it feels like a natural escalation from the previous.