It's really good, especially for the time. I may pick it up again some day but not soon.

It's really, really hard. Dark souls has nothing on teardown, to co-opt a phrase. The destructible environments are interesting though, not many games give you that destructive freedom.

In principle, it's a less complicated terraria and often does what terraria does less well. In practice, I like it a lot more than terraria and that's unlikely to change.

It's fine, and mechanically interesting, but I burned out hard and never really liked the set-building thing.

It's well known what Minecraft does well and what it doesn't, but I do take issue with how difficult it is to rebind chat box control keys relative to every other keybind.

It's janky and weird, but it's certainly interesting and very playable.

Extremely difficult relative to the others in the series, and similarly opaque in its secrets, and it tries several things (highly distinct protagonist choices) which really don't work.

Extremely fun, but the secrets of the game are extremely opaque and it would be nearly impossible to figure them out on your own.

It's good, though many of the secrets are extremely opaque to uncover (though less so than the third game.)

Dwarf Fortress is inarguably one of the best games ever made, and this version has lots of new things that make it less opaque and hard to control than the original. While arguably that was part of the charm, I think it works well.


Weird stylistic choices and new grindy combat undermine what could have been a perfectly good game if it had just stuck to the formula of the originals.

In principle it's good, but it's also barely a game and so short and lacking in replay value as to not be worth playing or paying for in the first place.

It has many of the problems of 4 and 5, but the story makes up for many of the defects. You also get promoted and can occasionally pull rank, which can be funny at times.

Many of the same problems as 4, though the mechanics are often better. However, the highly linear nature of the game works against it in many aspects and the late game again struggles with overhealthed enemies.

It didn't age particularly well, and the new travel system means it takes an age to get anywhere. This is combined with the old philosophy of "more health means harder" which turns the late game into a slog.