284 Reviews liked by FlowerSunandPain

this DLC is fucking phenomenal and i cant stop thinking about how good this is

in my head this is a Final Mix add-on and its divided into 3 sections so i will be exposing them accordingly

the remind stuff is basically a rehash of the final story beats of KH3 and what a great rehash that is it adds some insights into the story events and i LOVED THEM they added so much to the scenes and i wish they were in the base game but whatever and also the ability to play as specific characters in some parts and i can say confidently that playing as roxas was the best thing to ever happen in my life to be honest i love him so much my sweet little baby and yeah you can play as other peeps even tho theyre kinda weak compared to sora but its fine ok its fine i love them i birthed all of them

tho this also means you have to go through the same bosses you fought in the base game but for me it wasnt that much of a pain because i loved those battles maybe playing this right after finishing kh3 isnt the best choice but i am me

also clearly i cried again for the roxas axel xion reunion lmaooo

after the boss rush you get to a segment that i loved which is exploring scala ad caelum which is something that i wanted to do in kh3 but couldnt because of how it played out so having this amazing landscape to run through is absolutely breathtaking

also theres a part where you fight with every single keyblade wielder as one youll get what i mean if you play it and a super badass moment from king mickey himself ? damn everybody got a spotlight in this

and then final boss with kairi FINALLY i can see (and play as) kairi fucking beat some asses i needed that in my life so bad

boom FINALE explaining more stuff that happened

great stuff

final cut is basically kh2 data battles and theyre fucking majestic but also incredibly hard so downside is you got to play the base game get to like level 99 get ultima get good gear and then you go do these fights without tearing your hair out

theyre kind of a greater and harder and more showy version of the final fights in the game and i wouldnt want them in any other way and possibly my fav one is the fight against xion that one is absolutely stunning and also v difficult and vector to the heavens is some of the best song ever in kh3 so yeah thats great

cool stuff

then theres a secret episode where you fight against sexy yozora and that ones a REAL HARD ONE hes fucking insane but also the best combat in the entirety of kingdom hearts so thats a +
you get some kind of mysterious ending that fan theorists will have a blast thinking about and hearing sora (+yozora) say ive been having this weird thoughts lately like is any of this for real or not kind of made me mentally backtrack the whole series and wow its just a mindblowing cliffhanger and yeah

GOAT addition

i think im finally done with kingdom hearts and probably i shouldve left these considerations in the kh3 review but i dont think there will ever be something that feels quite like kingdom hearts i have no idea what is it about this series that bewitched the entire world and me too but its just idk it feels like a series so personal and with a lot of love put into it that even with all the high highs and low lows i just cant help but enjoy it abundantly be it the characters or story or music this series is something that everyone should experience and im happy to have finally completed this fucking marathon and i beg everyone to at least get to kh2 to decide what to do next but i assure you that at that point you will already be hooked

i will miss it for a while and will be waiting for kingdom hearts 4 or whatever comes out before of that

peace nomura goated

damn first thing on re mind is gon just be luxord way to make me horny again after a good cry

i know that the master of masters is hot as fuck please take your coat off


exploring scala ad caelum is something else I swear

ven complimenting roxas just made my day tbh

that mickey sequence tho was cool af

ok sora you hugged kairi in outer space but you still got a bf waiting

THEYRE MAKING ME PLAY AS KAIRI LETS GOOOO that flower keyblade is sending me

I just noticed how cute kairi looks with short hair

also noticed how ugly axel looks with his new clothes and how cute xion looks with hers I was too busy crying last time

oh no leons really hot

OH NO CIDS HOT how are his shoulders so big umh sorry this is not the place to thirst

Video games are fucking real again.

This review was written before the game released

FFXV Episode Aranea died for this smh

You know, I was having a good time. Then it turned out that Justin Roiland is a horrific sack of crap, so I think I’m good.


Neon White is fantastic. And I say this as someone who does - not - typically like platformers.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons sucks. I put 300+ hours into it and I'm trying to figure out why exactly. I remember eagerly anticipating its release but I may have longed for the nostalgia of New Leaf more than the desire to play this recent title. Admittedly, I had 12-15 hour binges with this game and enjoyed it for a short season. Clearly the music is enticing and its sound effects are satisfying. That's something it gets right. But the game lacks longevity, depth, and is really not worth the hassle. In addition, it was released as the pandemic was starting in early 2020, so entertainment standards were tossed out the window.

I despise how long it takes to terraform every single tile with no way to speed things up. I hate the infinite number of possibilities and the number of times I've destroyed everything to start from scratch from being unsatisfied. Some sims feel rewarding, and the limitless possibilities can feel worthwhile...this game just doesn't do it for me. Really lame how the DLC and second island were released long after everyone already had their islands completed (thus forcing people to start over or majorly rethink their island blueprints). I loathe how items unlock at random. For example, I spent months trying to get jail bars. I time skipped through hundreds of individual days to find it but to no avail. This is truly a slog after a while.

I'm not sure if I'll ever play ACNH again because I found it much more frustrating than relaxing. Honestly, I have no desire to experience the DLC either. Have not turned on the game since long before the DLC was released.

The Silver Case is easily the most distinctive, unprecedented visual novel I've ever played all-around in terms of aesthetics, writing, and gameplay. Hell, it's probably just the most peculiar game in general that I've played. Vibes on vibes on VIBES with this game. Way ahead of its era. Thought-provoking. Music goes hard af. Snarky character writing. Overly satisfying tak tak tak tak. This won't disappoint.

girl if an item looks like it could be useful then you pick it up, you don't gotta know exactly where it goes beforehand 😭

another game I wanted to try because of the OST, not a bad game but wasn't great. I can't be too hard on it since it was only like 5 hours long, and the story was pretty neat at times.

impressive tech demo for the DS, story isn't bad either

Cing out here in 2005 saying "hey what if we use every single fucking feature of the DS, especially the parts you don't know about" and we rewarded them with bankruptcy. Super unfair.

Fire Emblem: Three Houses is a medieval fantasy delight for trpg/srpg and visual novel fans. With lovely aspects of Irish lore, French aesthetics, and Germanic-inspired naming conventions, the game never felt like less than an absolute pleasure.

FE3H was my first game in the series, and I finished my first and second playthroughs in late 2020. It was an excellent introduction to the franchise. Besides having a highly pleasing overworld and artstyle (call it muddy if you will and muddy it was but i liked it), the voice acting is superb, and character development is rich. Oh, and the music is fantastic and immersive as well.

The story takes place in a medieval multiverse on the fictional continent of Fodlan, which is divided into three historically rival nations. Thus, the "three houses" refer to factions of these respective nations at the Garreg Mach Monastery, a neutral territory and base for members of the Church of Seiros that lies at the center of the land.

The gameplay itself is split into two major phases: school (classroom skill training, tutoring, one-on-one interactions, side quests, etc.) and combat (central battle gameplay, cutscenes, and story progression). The school phase has some aspects of open-world, training, and exploration, but it can feel limiting in some respects. I did enjoy how you can choose which NPC's to invest your time in. Subsequently, these school interactions yield extra cutscenes/lore AND increase cohesion during battle (unlocks combos between characters). I also enjoyed how customizable the class system is, and the idea of building and refining your team. As for battles, they're long, exciting, require strategy, and feel rewarding. Did I mention that the music is phenomenal?

The player, Byleth, will be fighting alongside whatever faction they initially chose: Black Eagles (Edelgard), Blue Lions (Dimitri), or Golden Deer (Claude). Your team is placed on a gameboard similar to that of chess but much more extensive; enemies scattered about, terrain, elements, and other environmental factors. Each character can be considered a chess piece with different roles, varying levels of mobility across the board, distinct classes, etc. Because each faction is larger than the permitted number of characters allowed on the gameboard, the player must decide which NPC's to invest their time in and ultimately utilize for battle scenarios.

The base game alone has a VERY high replay value...Did I mention there's DLC that's equally as fantastic?! You'll want to play each of the three factions, experience the diverse characters, their lore, and the DLC. Because this is a visual novel, there's much to see here. Highly highly highly recommend this gem. P.S. Marianne is the best character.

NSO explores the risks of social media addiction, mental health issues, and the life of a vtuber through a cute, retro 90s-style aesthetic with overarching elements of psychological horror. As the player, you manage your virtual gf, kangel, and every decision you make affects the game's storyline and outcome. The game is structured around three time slots per day, and each action you take consumes a certain amount of time and affects Kangel's stress, affection, and mental state. Unfortunately, the game's endings are all bad, and Kangel cannot achieve a happy ending.

The Consequence is much better than The Assignment. It still leans heavily on stealth gameplay, but mixes things up with some limited combat sections. It also does more with the story in Evil Within and makes a few of the things in the base game (perhaps unnecessarily) more clear.

Kidman's trip through the Evil Within is much better for her new access to weapons in this DLC. It is very limited in terms of options (only a handgun and a single shot shotgun) and ammo and access to weaponry feels more deliberate and calculated. This restraint combined with the extremely punishing stealth mechanics mean you really feel every bullet you fire.
The combat isn't quite as successful as in the base game, and a few very frustrating stealth sections remain, but overall the game is fun to play through.

The events in The Consequence do a lot more to explain clearly what is going on in The Evil Within. Many things that are only hinted at or spoken about obliquely during Sebatian's gameplay are outright confirmed, which does feel a bit better in terms of the in-game character's motivations.
Like in The Assignment, Kidman experiences similar events to Seb, but with wildly different context and connective tissue. Tango Gameworks tries to use STEM to explain this, but it reads as contrived retcon to me, rather than revelation.

The Consequence is good enough if you want to get the full Evil Within experience, and it definitely can help expand your understanding of the (somewhat muddled) plot of the main game.

Linear and basic, but pretty enjoyable thanks to pacing and atmosphere. Points for above average stealth bosses and making a stealth DLC for an action game, no points for the action stuff towards the end.