Visually, the game is pretty damn nice. That's about my only praise for this.

It's a serviceable game but I wouldnt recommend it
There were times when I was playing that I thought I might've gotten a better experience playing the original as it still felt like I was playing a dated game even with the graphical makeover this game got. The mission structure is pretty dull, the story is corny, and the combat works although it could be much better. Gunplay is mediocre and the guns themself sound weak, maybe if they had someone who knew how to actually mix audio they wouldnt sound so bad.

Playing through this game, I felt like I was playing Mafia 3 except with a Mafia 1 makeover. Kind of like the Yakuza remakes.

As a VR game released in 2016, I can see why this got the praise it did. Playing it around summer of 2020, as I finished the game I thought, "Thats it?"

It's playable and can be enjoyable but it's nothing special at all, it's painfully generic. The guns mostly feel the same too as handguns and smgs account for a large number of the guns this game has to offer. The gameplay is pretty monotonous and Im kind of glad this game was as short as it was(about 3 hours) cause Im sure if it went for much longer, I wouldnt have bothered finishing it. This game is offensively overpriced, it's $40 for a vr game made in 2016(for VR standards that pretty damn dated). You can speedrun this game, refund it, and spend your money on something better. Pirate this unless you enjoy wasting money or really want to play coop with someone

Decent VR horror game, oculus exclusive but you can probably play it with Revive.

Combat is nice although the melee is kinda jank. Story is forgettable but not terrible as far as I can remember it. The atmosphere looks quite nice in some scenes.

Only things that peeved me about it this game were it's short length(beat it in 4-5 hours) and the game's tendency to throw a few difficulty spikes your way in the later segments.
It wouldn't have been so bad if the enemies at the ass end of the game were just hard to fight but the fact that they are bullet sponges does not work in a game where you cant really carry too much ammo, the later combat engagements were just obnoxious and any fear factor came from me trying to run away and just rush the objectives cause I didnt have enough ammo to deal with any enemies.

Kinda shit!

Its just more of the first game except with more versatile dual-wielding, some short side-missions, and another gimmick that comes in about halfway into the game. Said gimmick is one of three "contraptions" that compliment a style of play, I call it a gimmick because it didn't really have much of an impact on my playthrough, I chose the ram shackles cause it made the game more braindead to play so I could just rush through it and be done a little quicker.

This game also suffers from having an obnoxious difficulty spike at the ass end of it because there is NO ACTUAL BOSS FIGHT, it's just another encounter except with an onslaught of the game's harder enemies at the arena before you go run up and press your melee button/key to kill the boogeyman villain of this game.

The story is forgettable, I played this late Nov-early Dec and I already dont remember much of it besides the things that made me roll my eyes. The characters are mostly one-dimensional or just kind of there for a gag.

Thankfully, I didn't have to pay for this game cause I gameshared it off a friend's account. If I actually paid money for this I would've been disappointed more than I already was and dumbfounded. TNO didn't really set a high-bar, the word disappointed isn't really something I should have to use when I wasn't even expecting much in the first place.

If you want to try it out, torrent it.

Just about the only game I consistently played on my psvita after hacking it. The quest gamemode was kinda meh but beyond that the game was great

Some people will get bored of this pretty fast but I quite like the look and feel of this game. Sound design is nice and the gunplay is pretty damn satisfying. If you're one of those people that loathes the threat of losing a character you've leveled/geared up this is not for you.

Run a duo with a friend of yours, one-tap someone with the winchesterfield, chuck a lamp and set someone's body or a bunch of animals on fire. Shoot the shit.

I played this game for a few weeks recently since a friend wanted to hop on it and I'll say that I'd like to commend how the devs haven't added new mechanics that just bloat up the game and add even more shit that would be cumbersome to deal with and instead any addition I have seen is simply more situational equipment or a new method of applying the bleeding, burning, and poison status effects. I first saw this back when the game added the concertina bomb, I don't remember when that update was but it was quite a while ago.

When I came back I saw that the custom ammo update wasn't a matter of just adding explosive or incendiary rounds and was mostly situational/utility update and adds more flexibility to a loadout, provided that you are willing to grind out a weapon.
It was nice to see that it was also relatively well balanced and had some thought put into it as each ammo type comes with their own drawbacks e.g. reduced penetration, increased recoil, slower muzzle velocity, etc.

To contrast with this praise I will say that the meta of always going for one-tap headshots has only grown stronger so chances are most times you will die before even getting to look at your enemy. It can be pretty damn corny.
It's also pretty bullshit how shotguns have absolutely piss poor range and you can get quite unlucky with rng shotgun spread. so even if you are close you can manage to almost entirely whiff a shot.
Server performance can also be pretty damn iffy and every other game I'll rubberband every other minute.
Hitreg can also be somewhat inconsistent but it seems like there's been an update for that.

Anyway, it's still a solid game and I still enjoy it about as much as I had originally have. I will admit that I get pretty frustrated with this game at times but that's usually just cause of a poorly played engagement with another player.

I recently remembered how I had a cartridge of this game and decided to play a rom of it. It's terrible

It's ok, a lot of this game is fuckin corny. Made to appeal to people still in high school or people who wish they were still in high school.

I didn't buy into the hype much and I'm still disappointed. For me, it's just another open-world game. I didn't care too much for the story and I'm sure that impacted some of my enjoyment of it but I don't care enough to consider giving it another playthrough

It's pretty much Cod in VR minus the perks. It's quite nice. Also the recoil is handled like recoil and not like Pavlov where the recoil is actual goddamn CSGO spray after the first few shots.

Simple game to get into although there are a lot of tryhards. Unless you already have good experience with vr shooters, you will get shit on in your first few games. Sadly there's no real way to tell the skill range of whatever lobby you're besides just looking at the scoreboard or seeing if the lobby is marked Competitive. If you're a new player and you see a Comp Control or Bomb Defusal game, stay away. You will get insta-domed by someone jumping around corners with a G36C.

Also like Cod, this game has some blatant meta weapons. G36C, AK5C, MK18 are rifles that stick out as particularly strong. Shotguns are meh and smgs are only good if you have faith in your ability to land headshots. If you're playing on a WW2 lobby, most people will be using the Thompson or PPSH. The latter is busted, just way too OP.

Map selection could use a bit of work, none are particularly bad(besides Hideout) it's just that playing on the same set of maps can get pretty old. If you're on the PC version then there are custom maps you can download although I dont see any custom lobbies up very often.
Spatial audio could also use a little work too, it can get pretty confusing on some maps with elevated points as it doesnt really tell you too well if someone is above or below you.

I'm eager to see how this title further evolves as it's still an early access title. The steam page doesnt list it as early access anymore but it's still on like 0.81.1 or something like that so theres still some shit coming along the way.


Terrific. The art, music, and story are all great. The gameplay is your basic rpg maker game with a couple gimmicks so don't expect too much in that department. The combat is mostly easy provided you don't avoid combat and level your characters up adequately.