Haven't played through Another Day yet but I enjoyed it.

Story was enjoyable but doesn't exactly hit the same highs that the first game did, nor does it have quite the same introspection that the characters from the first game did. Also it's practically a shounen you can expect some of that corniness in the story like other reviewers here have stated.

It's a jrpg so expect to grind excessively if you want to get completion which I'm probably not even gonna bother with at this point, I've pumped at least a good 60+ hours into this and am only sitting at 76% overall completion.
The game does end up throwing tankier and higher damage enemies at you so it punishes you by making fights a slog if you aren't actually paying attention to affinities and also are just burning pins right when battle starts. Speaking of pins there are very clearly good and bad pins so if you really want to put the time in for completion then have fun dealing with fucking dogshit.
Thankfully you don't have to deal with taboo noise in this but like I said, you're going to run into noise that will only grow in hp/atk so have fun with that. Most of the bosses aren't really too big a deal but the late game bosses are generally pretty cool.

If you're into the music from the first game you'll still like the music in this, you'll probably also enjoy the NEO remixes of old tracks.

To butcher a quote someone said in a /v/ thread, "You could tell me it's a AAA production of a fan-fic and I'd probably believe you"
Overall, I liked it. It's probably closer to a 7 than an 8 so I might change this down the line but I'm still just coming off of the last day(minus post-game) so I'll let this sit here for some time. Eh it deserves the 8 I think

Also good fucking luck finding r34 for this game cause as far as I remember og TWEWY did not have much good r34 for it. You might be able to find some decent fanart of Shoka or something though.

Also also, why did the localization team make Beat say finna. What the hell kind of millennial dumbfuck did that

Its the same damn thing as the ios version except you can use joycon controls instead of touch screen. Touch screen controls feel awkward as shit on Switch lite cause you cant remove the damn cons

Cringe as fuck, puzzles are pretty good though

Can be difficult to get into considering it's a mil-sim but its not bad when you get used to how it plays.

Good fucking luck getting a lobby that isn't full of kids. Let alone one with competent teammates. I will never not seethe about the Quest 2 release making preteen children shit up any lobby in any vr game I play.

First game I can ever recall playing. Absolutely fantastic. The theme to Zero's intro stage is terrific.

I remember this being pretty solid until the last few hours where enemies hit you hard and also take a bit of abuse.

Runs like ass and is very boring. Only play this if you are already bored but want to be doing something while bored.

I dont want to play it as an adult cause I feel I'll probably not like it nearly as much as I did when I was 9

Fucking game softlocked when I was doing the last mission and I didnt feel like giving it another go. Probably was solid in 2017 but dont bother with it now. Especially not for the price they ask

I remember being 10 years old and seeing a game case for this on the shelf at blockbuster. Thought that was the coolest shit

TTT without the gameplay for broke niggas

A pretty damn solid game, it's well made and very much enjoyable although I'm not really sure if I care enough to keep playing. I haven't progressed past the first region and I'm already starting to get a little tired of this game. I feel if I keep playing more than I already have, I'll just get sick of it and end up with a more lukewarm idea of the game.

Sequel to a game with a cool concept except this time it's a cash grab.


I enjoyed it back during the first two weeks this game came out. Here's a phrase I've used maybe 6 or so times to describe this game: "It's kinda like those old 2D Unreal Tournament flash games"

It's solid, I can see why a bunch of people disliked this but the way I see it, it's not trying to be Worms. It's an arena shooter using Worms for its presentation. Don't play it knowing full well it's not a conventional Worms game and then bitch that its not Armageddon again.

Has it's fair share of cheesey strats and the game is virtually dead now. Crossplay exists but chances are you're playing with a Brazilian who got the game for free on PS+ back when it launched and hasn't been able to afford another game so they alternate between this and Fort. So yea, you'll get some very obvious player desync. A less than savory experience to play currently, but I will say that I enjoyed it during it's (very shortlived) peak.