Battlefield for people who enjoy to larp or for people with legitimate autism. Not trying to exaggerate, that's really just what I think of this game.

If you've played either NuDoom, you've played this game before.

Maybe if I cared about Warhammer I'd have cared about this game but uh, I kinda don't. Even if I were a Warhammer fan, I'd probably only bump the rating up to like a 5/10.

This game is a personal reminder that torrenting a game is a viable option. What you see is what you get with this title. You can say that phrase for a lot of other titles, and you could use that argument for some games that I personally have enjoyed. But I'm not interested in this presentation, I'm largely tired of this gameplay loop, and I simply do not think this game is anything good.

I played this shit through like 3 times on the same save when I was 10 and I didnt even realize until like 9 years later this was the one people fucking hated.

I'm kind of surprised that ubisoft managed to make a full length game that's comprised of open world drivel.
It's a decent time-waster and when you play it with friends on the 2 harder difficulties, you kind of have to play it like a glowy operation. It's a nice feeling to drone out a location in the dead of night and then start silently clearing out the area.

I enjoy streaming myself RDM in TTT to various discords while calling people various bad words.

First off, it's poorly optimized. On a 3700x with a 2080S I could rarely actually hit anything higher than 90 fps during actual gameplay and that is while just barely playing above the base resolution of the Index. This is one of the few games where I actually turned down the Index supersampling so I could squeeze out more frames.
DLSS might've helped a bit when the devs implemented it but goddamn that shit just made the game look even worse than it already did.
Graphically it's not exactly too impressive either which makes me wonder why it even runs so poorly. I guess it's cause of the seamless open-world when you're exploring, regardless it looks mid and could run better.
Back when I was still using my Rift S the shit would pretty much constantly have ASW on so the shit was at a constant 40 fps. I refunded it my first time through cause damn it was an eyesore. If sub-optimal fps already grates on you, you do not want to see what an unstable fps looks like in vr.

Anyway, the gameplay is pretty basic. It's your standard survive 'n find some loot type of thing with health, hunger, exhaustion, and carry weight to keep track of. For your inventory system, you have slots on your player IK as well as a backpack that you can freely arrange shit in. There are also missions you can take on while back at your base. Taking a wild gander, I'd say 95% of the missions in this game are fetch quests. At least they give you a decent chunk of cash for new gear though. Missions in this game are really just vehicles for you to go explore new landmarks you haven't yet seen while making some cash at the same time. None of the areas in this game looked particularly interesting to me but shit at least the loot was dope sometimes. I say sometimes cause I'm pretty sure most of the loot in this game is randomized considering you can savescum a lockbox and find some new shit in it.
Enemies in this game are pretty generic, shadow fuckers that try to wail on you, shadows with guns, shadows that squirm along the ground to lunge at you, and some weird cloud looking thing that spawns weak shadows with guns that cant aim for shit. In conjunction with these basic enemies are anomalies that're really just things that'll damage you if you get too close.
Story exists but it's kind of corny, and I didn't really pay attention to it. I guess the story is just there so some players had some overarching objective to work towards besides just getting enough cash to afford an AKM or something.
By the way, unless you're doing a shitton of side missions, you'll pretty much never afford an AKM or any other rifle or shotgun with similar capabilities. That shit is expensive. I got through the game with pistols, DB shotguns, and a few SKS' closer to the last few hours of the game.

Overall, it's just ok. I beat it in about 12 hours of actual playtime with alot of save-scumming. I wouldn't say the game is really worth $30 but if you're itching for a vr game to try out and you think you'll be able to run its fine enough.

I can't really comment too much on the idea of this game being heavily inspired by Stalker which I couldn't really get into when I tried it 6-7 years ago

Ok, I think that's the fastest I've dropped a game. From the shit audio, the shit intro cg, and the shit combat. It just sucks. I got this dogshit for free with my cpu last year and I still feel cheated.

(This section was written before I actually got to any combat)
Holy fucking shit. What the hell is this audio. Seriously what the fuck is this. This has lower quality audio than some PS2 games I've emulated. Did they not think people would use headphones when playing this game? I'm using SRH1840s, I know what good sounding audio is and this is not it. This is offensively bad audio quality. It's also horribly mixed too. Fucking astonishing, what a fucking joke.

I started this game in May 23, 2020. I played for just under 47 minutes and I did not have fun. I stopped playing the game when I saw that shitty little fake trollface above the 3d printer and then I uninstalled while writing the game off as cringe and boring. I was considering writing "FUCKING BORING" in that sentence but I figured I should leave it as just "boring" to proclaim just how dull the game is.

357 days later, that sentiment has not changed. I loaded my almost year old file and saw the classic "y u no" meme face on the loading screen and that already gave me an idea that I'm not going to enjoy what was to come. The first mission I did upon reinstalling was a blatant jab at Martin Shkreli and it was just so painfully unfunny. Like wow this was truly a relic of the year it was released.

I played for another 50 and its still just as bad as I had first thought it to be on my first impression.
The gameplay is generally boring and the gunplay feels awful. I shouldn't have to unlock an ability to make a semi-automatic pistol shoot like a fucking semi-automatic pistol.
While the parkour that Marcus is capable of looks kinda cool and is flashy, it's bogged down by the fact that it looks rather sluggish in motion and it makes me feel that Marcus is moving rather slowly for the sake of showing off whatever the hell the team decided to mocap.
I will admit that the soundtrack did have a few catchy tracks in there but thats about it in terms of things I liked in this game.
Also for some reason the game just looks blurry as shit. It doesn't matter if you're on maxed out settings and using TAA, MSAA, or TXAA. It looks blurry. Like "poorly implemented DLSS in a vr game" blurry.

Open world drivel. Nothing new, nothing particularly interesting. Maybe I'd have liked this game if I were still 12 or 13 and thought the style this game is presented with was still cool. I will give the game credit that it does have some stylization to it, but it's not something I cared for and like I said earlier, I probably would've liked this if I were still in middle school.

I wish Blaze the cat(Playable Character) would Sonic Jump on my cock


Pretty good, can't go wrong with an immersive sim. I played this game for a good 7.5 hours straight back when I got it and ended up neglecting to eat breakfast that day.

First time I ever talked about this game with someone outside of my friend groups it was at a Royal Farms in Baltimore around Christmas time of 2018 and a skinny little black girl with glasses who overheard my conversation kind of butted in and talked about how she watched NicoB's playthrough of this game. I had no clue who the fuck NicoB was before that day.

Royal Farms western fries are fucking dope, try them out if you ever come to the God forsaken state of Maryland for whatever reason.

Yea I don't have anything to talk about this game that hasn't already been said before. Its aight

Eh it's ok, I guess. Don't expect anything stellar out of this.

Campaign isn't particularly short nor long
Gameplay is pretty standard: wake up in your trailer, craft some shit, head out to a location, scavenge for resources, kill zombies, do some quests, kill other survivors, head back to your trailer, go to bed. Rinse and repeat until you finish the story or get bored.
Not much variance to this formula so it can get rather dull pretty fast. Doesn't help that AI for both survivors and zombies is extremely basic and easy to cheese.
Guns are pretty strong and make the game just braindead to play. Unless you're a shit shot(which is quite hard to be considering this game actually gives weight to your guns so it helps stabilize itself), you can just get some pistols and headshot everything and bumrush through the rest of the game.

Story isn't really anything special. There's a choice you can make at the end which boils down to whether or not you want to moral*** and get some extra dialogue or get an HK416.

Overall it's playable and cool at first but if you play this for more than 10 hours, you'll probably start to get sick of it.
Satisfying as hell to brain zombies though.

I havent actually played this, I just want to say that I think its terribly hilarious that this dude got to work on another game after making some mobile game and it's this nonsense. God bless

This game reminds me of Overwatch.

As in, the copious amounts of SFM/Blender NSFW Animation is better than the actual game

Made by redditors for redditors. Shit writing, not funny, very boring gameplay, majority of sexual content has no flow in the course of the game, it's mostly done in a scene viewer in your bedroom. You motherfuckers gave these people money