The perfect game to watch someone else play and scream "Lesbian!" at the screen every time a character appears.

"Sorry, babe, I don't know if this is peak," she says. Sure you don't.

Not only can I not defect to the Soviet Union, they added statues of the false idol Yoshi everywhere. Justice for Kero-tan.

Backloggd users when they think about games too much.

I'm so glad they finally boobified Lady. The game was simply incomplete without that change.

The Kid couldn't believe that Bastion was a fascist propaganda game. But it was true, just as true as when Zulf stole my tummy pills on a moonlit morn.

In 2003, the Japanese government committed a heinous crime against the patron saint of gaming, Yuji Naka.

But that's a story for another time.

Vriska should have killed more people.

I wanted to go hard on this game, but I'm feeling a little too bubbly and sweet today!

This game feels like it was designed solely by SpikeTV.

Ruined a whole generation of gamers. (Has a dedicated block button.)

A good Zelda game, but not a very good game.


Beautiful game. It's insane that if you try to play it without smoking weed first it just doesn't run, though. I wonder how that effect was achieved?